7s that didn't even count

I’m really disturbed by this Garmin outage. So apparently, Garmin has been the victim of a ransomware attack. My workout is not showing up on my Garmin Connect app, and isn’t on Strava either. So did it happen? A bunch of dudes gathered round the flag at Mills Park school, known as AO Flying Circus. No FNGs, did the pledge and took off running. Disclaimer was given during the run. Arrived at the oppo side of the building and circled up for… [Read More]

It's A Celebration

BIG. DAY. IN. CARPEX! 37 HIMs of all ages, including one FNG gathered at Apex’s finest Friday AO. YHC and WWW have the Q for what was anticipated to be a large, raucous crowd BEGGING for a beatdown. F3’s mission is recited, disclaimer is exclaimed, and allegiance is pledged. Mosey to the big circle for… Warm Up Good mornings, SSHs, Calf Stretches, A few sets of merkins, plank jacks and Steve Earles. [Read More]

Don't sweat the small stuff ... its all small stuff. If your 5 mins early, you’re late ... 5 secs to beatdown.

The day started out great. I awoke at 0415 for my normal father dooties (no pun intended). I took the youngest member of my family, our mixed breed dog, Ella for a morning walkabout. As I got home, my M was waiting for me stating something does not smell right. She was right. My littlest of all littlest, Ella made a mess in her kennel and I had to clean it up which now put me behind my schedule to ready myself for this morning’s beatdown. [Read More]

So glad Saban wasn't there...

Wow - love these 530 starts 25 minutes away…. or not. However, it is always a pleasure to lead and this morning was know exception. We started with 15, ended with 15 and had 16 during our mid workout count o rama. Many people that I haven’t seen at all or in a while - that is why it is great to travel. YHC looked through the last several backblasts before his Q at FWD - and noted that they only seemed to a) go to the bridge, b) go across the road to the office park or c) run up and down the Cary Park hill - so my primary goal was to do something different. [Read More]

What a Cluster

Here’s an idea; pax show up and we put all of their names in a hat and draw at random to lead parts of the beatdown. Aye? Aye! 22 on hand, 1 is an FNG. Quick disclaimer and send the men to the library. Warm ups: Pickles Cluster 1: Burt is pulled and he calls random Jack Webb’s … signature move Cluster 2: Red Lobster gets pulled out of the hat and takes the pax to the fountain for 3 rounds of bear crawls and lunges while partner pax amrap exercises. [Read More]

Crazy Eight Waterfall and BJ Derkins

4 for the EC run. First morning of the Fall the was brisk. It was a nice change and I maybe should have worn my gloves. 11 for the main event. Oofta pulled in just in time. Warm Up - Reverse Shut In warm up. 25 SSH, 20 Merkins, 15 IW, 10 GM Half Dora at the Shelter - Partner up for 50 Box Jump Derkins as Term Paper called them. [Read More]

Circle Burpee's finished off with a Lazy Dora

What other way would you welcome in 3 new FNG’s (Milton Bradley, Stetson and Meatloaf) but with some Circle Burpee’s and a Lazy Dora. Warmup 16 Good Mornings 16 Side Straddle Hops 16 LBC’s 16 Mountain Climbers Thang 1 We ran around the pickle with a mixture of karaoke and backward’s running to the corner of Cary Parkway. we proceed 1/2 way up the hill doing 5 merkins at each light pole. [Read More]

Cherries and Merkins

Pre-Blast This being my virgin Q, it was great to do at BO as it was my FNG site. I really appreciated all the help from and support from the PAXs, before and during workout. Hermes brought cherries, Lite Brite provided water, and Burt provided tank tops. Warm-Up Pledge of allegiance Ran to the bank and circled up to do: 10 -good mornings 20 - side saddle hop 20 - Merkins [Read More]

Disco Duck was the Q

Thanks to Term Paper for swapping Q’s with me this week, I’ve been looking forward to leading a downtown Cary workout in the morning for a change. Another beautiful morning in downtown Cary, three PAX (Chipper, Lite-Brite, Yoga Mat) for the Meow Mile EC run, zero PAX drinking EC milk, lots of guys in orange shirts. Thanks to Burt for bringing a bag of extra orange shirts #OrangeForDarth Some of the PAX noticed a TV news crew at the corner of Academy and Chatham, so let’s head that way. [Read More]

The Rise of Netscape.

Warm-up 2 Laps - Brisk jog around the famous pickle 20 x Side Shuffle Hops 20 x Hill Billies 20 x Cotton Pickers 20 x Shoulder Taps Main Workout We started out with an old fashion Indian Run - Two Lanes to the infamous Bridge. The heart of the work included a Bear Crawl to center of bridge, then followed by Lunges to the other end. 20 Merkins, then Lunges back to center of bridge, followed by a Bear Crawl and finished with 1 Jump Squat (Explosive Squat). [Read More]