Wolverines at Wolverine

We are in the final two weeks before YHC moves out of Carpex and over to Raleigh and so I decided to Q as much as I could before I leave. Stop number 1 on the farewell tour was the darkest AO in all of Carpex and also an AO that YHC had only been to 2 previous times. My tiredness from just running the Tuna 200 Relay over the weekend, the darkness, my lack of familiarity with this AO, and trying to rest the legs keeping this more of a Limited Run style workout, led YHC to Q a little bit of a less organized beatdown. [Read More]

The Sharknado

The Sharknado. It has been a tradition for 2+ years at Bounty Hunters, the finest downtown Apex AO on Thursday mornings. This quarterly fitness test allows each PAX to test themselves with a variety of exercises and lap-running. 15 PAX showed up to withstand the Sharknado. With Rooney on the IR with a foot injury, he took all Sharknado materials to the community center and Imp ran point for the morning. [Read More]

Sandbag audible

YHC was in the middle of a BH butt-kicking recently and noticed a REAL NICE stack of sand bags, and so naturally I designed an entire workout around them… and naturally they started to split and spill the sand RIGHT AFTER WE STARTED… but I’m jumping ahead. Pax out on a crisp sub 50 degree morning in Apex. 1 FNG c/o the Greek God of the Olympiad. A purrfectly nailed disclaimer and mission statement and we’re off. [Read More]

A surprise in every corner

YHC, Michelob and Largemouth for a 4 mile “Hope we don’t get lost and it turns into a 9 mile” EC run. It’s been awhile since I stepped out of the corn stalk onto the Field Of Dreams, so it was nice to be back and see all the smiling faces…and Banjo. No FNGs so off we went. Quick run around the lower parking lots and circled up. **Warm Up [Read More]

May the Carpex 4th be with you!

YHC is not known for Theme workouts, and to be fair, this is the only themed workout I’ve ever done, and could very possibly be the only. I’m just not very creative. I saw the Q spot open and grabbed it….LONG before realizing it was on May the 4th…..AKA Star Wars day. So, I had to come up with something. I even created a playlist, then left my BT speaker at home. [Read More]

MJ Stands with The Commish

Pre-Blast 31 HIM (not including MJ) at Phoenix for The Commish’s co-VQ with YHC. This also marked a 6-Pack for Mr. Silver! Such a strong start…it’s no wonder MJ Stood with The Commish. The Warmup (Hi-Liter) Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Mixed Run to the Community Center into extended Paint the Lines. Circle up for 25 each: SSH, Mt. Climbers, Hillbillies, Plankjacks, Imperial Walkers, St. Merkins, SSH. The Thang 1 (Hi-Liter) [Read More]

Service Before Self

10 November 2018 – the day before Veterans Day and YHC was ready to lead a bootcamp for the ages to pay honor and tribute to our Nation’s warriors who have worn the uniform to defend freedom at home and abroad. I knew I needed stronger men than myself to lead this epic beatdown, and so I literally called in the Troops. Here’s how it went down, keeping in mind that the pax were well equipped with weight vests and ruck sacks, and 2 men at all times carried a log c/o of our brother Bartman (who was out Rucking his ass off at a tough… what a beast). [Read More]

Monday- Funday!

23 HIM strong in the very moist & gloomy Wolverine – so much for the bright sunshine post time change. T-Claps for 2 FNGs coming out in the rain – nice start! We started with the pledge of allegiance at the flag. Cross Davis to the west sidewalk & head up to the middle school - started the warm up in the front, but moved to the back to avoid the garbage truck… [Read More]