Time Flys.

Over the past five years, my life has undergone a remarkable transformation since “joining” F3. It all began with a chance encounter in my neighborhood, where I was minding my own business, on a walk on one of the greenways when a stranger approached, asking if I was with them. Perplexed, I inquired, “Who are you?” He hastily explained what F3 was, and as I headed home after my walk that morning, where I couldn’t shake off the feeling that it might be some sort of cult! [Read More]

When are we going to start disturbing the peace?

So, Day 1 at A-Team was a nice intimate pax of 4 for the bootcamp, 3 for some ruck/walking. Day 2 was no such luxury. About 17 or so converged on the subfreezing temperatures in the very center of the Peak City. YHC fought a slow defroster to arrive with about 5 minutes before go-time. Feeble old eyes couldn’t make out the shovel flag, but the pax took joy in pointing out the HUGE flag at the fire station. [Read More]

4 Years Later

A chilly morning was met by the pax who joined YHC in celebrating my 4th F3 Anniversary. YHC mentioned the disclaimer and with no FNGs in sight… we started with The Pledge.. then “start your devices” Mozy to the east entry intersection for warmups Good Mornings SSH Sir Fazios Hill Billys Overhead/Seal clap combo Mozy to Shelter/Parking Lot for Thang 1: Partner Up for Dora 100 Merkins 200 Squats 300 LBC [Read More]

2022 May the 4th Be With You CARPEX Challenge

(This Backblast is long….) Pre-Thang A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Away…. May the 4th Be With You CARPEX Challenge It is chaotic times in galaxy. The Empire as fallen. The New Republic is moving fast to gain control of former Imperial facilities. Mon Mothma has charged the New Republic Eclipse Team travel to the planet Wayland, located in the Inner Rim, to lock down a former Imperial Research Facility. [Read More]

Decades Day 1: Sunday Slowzy 20's/30's

YHC first posted at F3 on March 6 2020 at Gran Torino, EH’d by good buddy Torpedo. Fast forward to 2022 as mask mandates are easing and the weather is getting warmer, it felt like a perfect time to challenge myself and Q all week. The idea of a “Decades” music themed series of workouts has been in my mind for awhile, so I grabbed slots on each day. Inspired by the “8 pack” box in the Carpex Challenge, I reached out to Sooey for interest in a “Super Slowzy” to ease into the week. [Read More]

Dora Got Nothing on Jeff 1-2-3-4

Preamble Per usual, planning the Q started sometime after dinner and finalized before going to bed. YHC drifted off to a sound sleep with a smile my face. The smile continued as I woke up (I mean, at my age every day above ground is a blessed one), through my morning deuce/wordle/stretching routine, and on the drive to Bond Park. 40 seconds prior to launch, YHC flawlessly recited and enunciated the F3 Mission. [Read More]

2017 was 5 years ago?

It is hard to believe that 2017 was 5 years ago but alas here we are celebrating my 5 years of doing this thing we call F3. I am still not sure why I started in January since I really do not like cold but so glad I decided to join Crimson all those years ago. A little known fact is I did not start posting regularly until early March 2017 frequently using the too cold excuse. [Read More]


Warm-Up Mosey over to the Community Center parking lot and circle up for 22 side straddle hops and others. Callahan showed up late and salty so a few burpees thrown in. The Thang Mosey down the hill to the bottom lot and partner up. One runs the pickle, the other alternates step-ups and dips. After a few rounds switch from dips to derkins. Escalating merkins up the hill. Run to first light pole, 1 merkin, run back. [Read More]

Plank Destroyers and Elevator Rides

10 HIMs gathered for another Thursday workout at Hot For TaeKwonDo or Hot for Tate or Hot for Teacher (who knows the name anymore). After a stellar pre-blast from Qwerty about Principal Rooney, nostalgic movies, law enforcement, and trespassing, I knew it was going to be a great morning. YHC did some recon earlier in the week and had plenty of options for the beatdown. After realizing there were no FNGs, the F3 mission was recited as well as the pledge. [Read More]

90 Days Later, I'm not a runner & Happy Birthday to Me!

After missing out of Qing for 90 days (I did post up with some IR and typical beat downs) I’m back to checking off a few boxes. With that.. today’s theme was “I’m not a runner” and I took the Joe Isuzu approach: I lied. Arrived early on this brisk birthday to scope out the surroundings as it had been a hot sec since posting here, I wanted to confirm my idea and memory. [Read More]