Partner Work for 2 Year Anniversary

12 PAX helped celebrate my 2 year anniversary with F3. There were 3 Honors and 2 Respects. Some chatter as to if SWW will become the older AO of Friday mornings. We saw the end of the lunar eclipse during warm up, disappointed that I didn’t make an effort to see it earlier. Today I focused on partner and group work because that is one of the things I enjoy about F3, men working together to get better. [Read More]

Red Star Failure

The Idea: For my 4th F3 Anniversary Q Bounty Hunters and have real bounty to hunt. The Plan: Set some stuff out around the AO for the PAX to find and reward them if they find it. I looked around my house to see what would work - the first thing I found was a Russian flask that my sister gave me. She lived in Moscow for a couple of years and gave me this flask as a souvenir. [Read More]

Term Paper's Proctologist

YHC had a front row seat at the DTC railroad crossing arm while watching the longest train in the world pass through the city. T’was 5:20 a.m. and YHC still needed to make it to Point Break for the 5:30 Q. Not gonna lie, didn’t think I’d make it, but I did with 30 sec to spare. whew! After proper introduction as the Fitness Leader for the day and stumbling through a disclaimer, YHC led the PAX on a warm-up jog to the back side of Cinebistro parking lot. [Read More]

The Hangover Q

To quote Jimmy Buffett, “It’s a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.” Or in this case Friday night and Saturday morning. This installment all happens to be Captain Jack’s fault, but that is a story for another time. OTR waits for no man, and the sweat will help everybody - especially YHC. 0620 and someone is already skateboarding at this place. Contrary to popular belief, skateboarders have no chill. [Read More]

3 Months Away

We are officially three months away from BRR, and YHC isn’t in shape for that at the moment. Time to get to work. And on this insanely muggy morning we have 22 other HIMs with the same idea. One of them is not Francois, who is ducking this thing despite being a Site Q. No FNGs, although Free Solo is apparently back for workout #2. Pledge. A short mosey to the side parking lot and circle up for a warm up. [Read More]

"That Was in My Mouth"

As you might imagine, it took YHC some time to locate an SFW graphic that fits with this particular title. A-Team is the spot where YHC attended his first Carpex workout and then performed his VQ. Just for nostalgia, we will recreate that VQ today. No FNGs. Pledge. Let’s go. Warm up: Mosey to the top parking lot to the right and circle up: 20 SSH IC 10 GM IC 10 Standard Merkins OMD Calf Stretches L/R 10 Wide Grip Merkins OMD 10 Daisy Pickers IC Whenever I see Chipper and Francois show up to the same workout, I know that there is a significant statistical likelihood that something amusing is going to happen. [Read More]

If by that you mean filled with joy...

18 PAX gathered at the most senior of all CARPEX Monday AOs to help YHC commemorate the completion of my 45th orbit. Hotspot expressed his pre-event concerns about the contents of the Q sheet, but said “at least you didn’t bring your stinkin’ speaker.” Oh, you mean the speaker sitting over by the light pole? Yeah. Good thing. For now, the speaker was to belt out some 1975 tunes. Not necessarily hits, but all 1975 releases. [Read More]