Apparently Not Problematic

As YHC was making my way around the gathering PAX, I noticed that several of them were noticeably away from the shovel flag, like they wanted to leave or something. Whatever. You Vesperers just go do your thing. I’ll take the small but mighty group and go do, oh I don’t know…a bootcamp. Here’s what we did: Warmup Jog up Maury O’Dell and to the other end of Bond Park Drive (I think it is) for: [Read More]

There’s no vanilla in these Burpees … Burpees, Burpees, and more Burpees - does a body good!!!

Date: 2/13/2019 QIC: WWW AO: SnS, Maynard / Insomnia / Vesper, and Ruckers PAX: Badlands, Banjo, Bartman, Bogo, Build-a-Bear, Burt, Buzzfeed. Chanticleer, Coney, FNG EZ Bake, Franklin, Grease Monkey, Hansen, Hello Kitty, Hi-Liter, Hot Spot, Khakis, Large Mouth, Ma Bell, Michelob, Mohawk, Nickel, Ollie, One Four, Pivot, Random House, Saban, Sabre, Shut-in, Sky Blue, Smitten, Sub, Wonder Bread, WWW Warm-up: GM, hamstring stretch, Sir Fazio forward, seal claps, overhead claps, SF backward, calf stretch with CFMs. [Read More]

FNGs Abound

The PAX recruiting game showed up strong on this A.M. as we had 3 FNGs make their way into the gloom. The Disclaimer was necessary. As I type this I am just now realizing I forgot to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a priority and so I recognize now the men and women who go and have gone into harms way to protect the liberties that we as a United States of America hold as unalienable. [Read More]