We'll take it from here, Cardinal

Early Thursday morning, YHC was stirring and came across the news of young Taylor Phelps, F3 Cardinal, out of Knoxville TN, who had horribly passed away during his Virgin Q (VQ) at a workout on 1/11/23. For Thursday’s workout, I incorporated one small element of his planned workout, 15 double count Freddy Mercury’s. We did them at the very end of our workout, and after the workout was over, I shared that his planned workout looked extremely hard, and I would be hesitant to try it. [Read More]

When are we going to start disturbing the peace?

So, Day 1 at A-Team was a nice intimate pax of 4 for the bootcamp, 3 for some ruck/walking. Day 2 was no such luxury. About 17 or so converged on the subfreezing temperatures in the very center of the Peak City. YHC fought a slow defroster to arrive with about 5 minutes before go-time. Feeble old eyes couldn’t make out the shovel flag, but the pax took joy in pointing out the HUGE flag at the fire station. [Read More]

12 Ways that Year 2 Differed from Year 1

Following up on my 12 pieces of advice from last year’s f3versary backblast, I thought it might be fun to reflect on how things were different over this second year. To summarize, I would say focusing and finding my place was the theme for this past year. Q’d a lot more this year (30+), and am more comfortable, yet oddly perhaps less prepared, at leading. Wrote way fewer backblasts. Used to write one per workout. [Read More]

Ryder-versary Volume 2

Is the sequel better than the original? Well I can’t judge that. Dante’s Peak is the 2nd place I ever posted, so it’s a traditional stop on the anniversary tour. True story - YHC was EH’d by CHiPs from South Wake. I posted at Tortoises first time, and didn’t tell him I was going. Just texted afterwards, and told him I was going to go to DP if I survived the first time. [Read More]

March Madness!

It was a beautiful morning, Mid 50s and nice and dry! Chiquita Banana and Fiddle showed up a full 1 minute early even beating a rucking Flenderson by a full 30 seconds! Thang 1 Mosey around to the front of the church. It’s such a beautiful spot, have to do our warmups there! Good mornings Calf stretches Runners stretch Hill Billys x 15 Merkins Regular x 10 Diamond x 10 Wide grip x 10 Ranger x 10 Regular x 10 Puddles was not a fan of the 50 merkins. [Read More]


OK, this workout had nothing to do with our former President. But it involved B.O.M.B.S with rocks so there you have it. YHC thinks the title is clever. You will come to love it as well. Anyway, even after YHC got a little anxious and stepped in the site Q’s lane by pre-blasting my Q, 20 HIM showed up, including an FNG who had no idea what he was getting himself into. [Read More]

Dora in the Lion's Den

AO: Lion’s Den Workout Date: 07/28/21 Last night was the end of season banquet for my kids’ Summer swim team. I went to bed as early as I could, but knew I wouldn’t be doing any sort of prerun this morning. After a few views over Google Maps and Dora in my back pocket, I showed up ready to wing it. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(1), and give the disclaimer. [Read More]

Getting Some Work Done in Cougar Town

AO: Cougar Town Workout Date: 07/27/21 Most of my birthday Qs this week are in Carpex as I work toward my goal of Qing all of Wake County. I slept too late for the advertised slow mosey (slowzy), but I did have enough time to run around the AO and scope things out. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance Mosey around the school to warm up. [Read More]

Which Way to the Church?

AO: Disturbing The Peace Workout Date: 06/29/21 After checking out backblasts and Google Maps, YHC posted for the prerun to get a final feel for the AO. We got in a surprising (to me) three miles. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs (1), and give the disclaimer Pledge of Allegiance Side Straddle Hop x20 In Cadence (IC) Good Morning x5 IC Imperial Walker x10 IC Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward x5 IC, reverse x5 IC [Read More]

Substitute Teacher

AO: Hot For Teacher Workout Date: 06/17/21 YHC is starting to hit the Carpex and South Wake AOs pretty hard. I’m excited to make it to the wonderfully-named Hot For Teacher. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs (0), and give the disclaimer Pledge of Allegiance Mosey to entry traffic loop for warmups: Side Straddle Hop x20 In Cadence (IC) Good Morning x5 IC Imperial Walker x20 IC Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward x10 IC, reverse x10 IC [Read More]