OK, this workout had nothing to do with our former President. But it involved B.O.M.B.S with rocks so there you have it. YHC thinks the title is clever. You will come to love it as well. Anyway, even after YHC got a little anxious and stepped in the site Q’s lane by pre-blasting my Q, 20 HIM showed up, including an FNG who had no idea what he was getting himself into. [Read More]

Student Becomes the Teacher (or is it the other way around???)

Q School 101 at Lion’s Den - a site YHC and The Most Sour of all Mashes started just a few years ago. Starts off great, give the disclaimer, no FNGs, and explain that we’re doing the Pledge but it is not a required element of a proper Q. Warm Up Mosey to the entrance to the church, and explain why it is important to understand the layout and features of a site you are Q’ing. [Read More]

Dora in the Lion's Den

AO: Lion’s Den Workout Date: 07/28/21 Last night was the end of season banquet for my kids’ Summer swim team. I went to bed as early as I could, but knew I wouldn’t be doing any sort of prerun this morning. After a few views over Google Maps and Dora in my back pocket, I showed up ready to wing it. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(1), and give the disclaimer. [Read More]


When Hanson asked for someone to step up and take his Q this morning YHC gladly accepted the challenge. The first detour was expected since it was well advertised that YHC would be the QIC. The next detour was caused by the locked gates. The site Q’s need to see someone about that since it was starting to be a regular occurrence. The third detour was YHC realized the field was locked. [Read More]

Hell's Bells Baseball

Inspiration for this workout came from the exicon. Wahoo once said that F3 is like recess, and I really enjoyed the competitive nature of F3 baseball. I really wanted something that would keep our heart rate up, but allow bruisers to participate. When Water Wings and Disco Duck requested a 7th inning stretch, I knew this was a good workout. Started with a quick 1/4 mile mosey and then moved into Warm Up [Read More]