Honeycomb Hills 2.0

4 for EC run 3 miles: Honeycomb, Parker, Francois, Ramsey 19 showed for the beat down Intro, disclaimer, and pledge… 1 FNG Mosey over to the Apex Baptist Church parking lot for warm-up SSH Good Mornings Runner Stretch Plank Jacks Mosey over to the Apex Cemetery bottom of the hill The Thang 7’s on the hill split group up top and bottom to start, top of hill was Hudson Ave 6 World Worst Merkins at the bottom and 1 Star Jump Next… Split in groups of 5 for a Washington run back to the flag for Mary [Read More]

One more lap

YHC was pleased to see 18 HIMs gather in the gloom for a mostly running workout. I realize the PAX like to incorporate all the major muscle groups so I incorporated a variety of exercises, but I really prefer running. Today we covered 2.8 miles around the parking lot, but next time we will take one more lap around the parking lot which should get us to 3. Disclaimer No FNGs, so standard disclaimer and Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

Hot in Herre

6 PAX gather in the oppressive heat of July in North Carolina for an Earhart beatdown. As reference, heat index for that time of day was 105. Whew. Mosey over to the old parking deck and up the stairs to the very top for: Warm Up Control freak Good Afternoons Windmills Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio (done after going to the bottom deck) The Thang Done with warm-ups, we mosey over to the field and behind the parking deck to retrieve the pain sticks. [Read More]

Tribal 11's

It was another great steamy morning in Cary at the place in south Wake we call Waverly Place. There’s all sorts of good restaurants over there to choose, Enrigo, Tazikis, Gonza, Shake Shack, Chick-fi-La, but we didn’t come to eat. We showed up to run, at least I did. We had two FNG’s even join us for the fun. On time start, mission, principles, disclaimer, pledge of allegiance, and let’s mosey! [Read More]

Moist for teacher

It was moist today. Humid. Muggy. Sticky. Steamy. Oppressive. Clammy. Soupy. Heavy. Like a Turkish bath. Thank god it wasn’t dank. That would have been too much. Pre: Drive 21 minutes from home to H4T. Check on first option for Thang 1 but decide it’s too dark. Check on second option for Thang 1 and decide it’s a bit too overgrown. Decide to go with third, and most obvious option. [Read More]

Antisocial Distance

The original plan for this morning involved some partner work and pull ups, but in keeping with the current SD policy YHC decided to save that workout for a later date. As of Wednesday afternoon YHC had been stuck at home all week without running since Sunday, so the PAX were instructed via pre-blast that we would do some running. YHC rolled up at 0501 with Revere and Mohawk, we split up and did some EC running and pull ups. [Read More]

Edumacation to safely ascend/descend the Escalator and Ladder.

Date: 3/12/20 PAX: Animal, Bobby Boucher, Cataracts, Henny Penny, Ox Tail, Que Queg, Ramsay, Shipper, Slappy, Track Star, Two Factor, Wahoo, WWW It was meant to be. Triple Lindy had the original Q but due to his M’s work schedule change, he had to pull himself out. I saw the opening and jumped right in or Slappy or Cataracts would had to cover. I was honored to take the slot. This helps my quest to Q a minimum of 52 times for 2020. [Read More]

A Year Goes By Fast

A little over a year ago, YHC was talking with our awesome 1st F Qs about a new Wednesday workout. Numbers were problematic across all the AOs, and I had some ideas about where might be a good place to launch. We talked about a number of options, and through those conversations I learned another PAX was interested in the same thing. To this point, I didn’t know Sour Mash very well - 99% sure that this was my fault. [Read More]

Snow Day Bells

I hurt my right foot a few weeks ago, and not wanting to twist it up on the ice I decided to bring the bells back to Dante’s Peak. Showed up and one of the new Site-Q’s said his completely dry driveway was completely impassible. Warm-Up Quick jog around the lower parking lot, and almost slipped a few times so decided there be minimal running for the rest of the Q. [Read More]

Burpees, Bears, and Blocks! Oh my!

For my VQ, I thought it best to combine some of my least and therefore most memorable workouts over my last six months in F3. The two Q’s who I got the most from was Banjo and Wahoo. These two Q’s provided the inspiration for burpees and blocks. In order to increase the alliteration in the title of the workout, I did some digging in the Exicon to find an exercise that combined bear crawls and cinder blocks. [Read More]