Notso Final Countdown

Thank God the rain stopped just prior to 5:45, but it was chilly for sure! Tight group of 4 for the bootcamp, but we certainly made the most of it…also caught glimpses of Skipper-the Rucker (not Skipper - the bootcamper/runner) working hard wrestling some kind of bag….While once again the weather certainly could have been better, but it didn’t stop me from thoroughly enjoying a tight group of dedicated men. No FNGs, only familiar faces. [Read More]

"I was in the pool!"

13 pax braved the weather on a rainy February morning for high tempo boot camp/rucking. Actually, it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. The temperature was high 40’s and the water in our socks felt quite refreshing. The workout began with a thoughtful discussion about Tic Tacs and shrinkage. Of course, any discussion about shrinkage elicited the obligatory George Constanza reference. By 6:15, we had approximately 3.25 miles on our GPS watches. [Read More]