DBB, Frisco

Q: Doogie PAX: Doogie, Frisco, MIA, Simmons With Carpex Culture month coming up I thought I would temporarily dust off an F3 tradition that has fallen by the wayside in our explosive growth: the Back-Blast. Yes I know those robot-generated things we use now have their uses, but sometimes I miss the full fledged, Take-a-seat-on-the-groan-throne-because-this-is-Frisco-Back-Blasts of yesteryear. —— Typically, the Q writes a Back Blast for a workout but since today that was Doogie and—as they say in Med school, “C = M. [Read More]

Full throttle on a rainy day

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.” Since New Year’s is around the corner, I thought I’d start off with a quote from the estimable Robert Burns, author of Auld Lang Syne. Also befitting since YHC had planned a Q without looking at the weather, and then at 10 o’clock post meridiem, looked at the weather and saw it’d be 40 degrees with 100% chance of rain. [Read More]

Dora's Birthday Surprise in PV

Full Throttle (Wednesdays 600-645) is a relatively new AO for F3 right in my home community, planted by a core group of local HIMs who have been working out together since last year. They were generous enough to allow their Wed AM slot to become officially part of F3 Carpex a few weeks ago, and I was humbled to be asked to Q this morning’s beatdown. Arrived 0545 for some quick cone setup, joined only by Doogie with 5 min to go and expected it to be a very light crowd. [Read More]