Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

With the cool brisk October air in full effect, 21 PAX including 2 FNGs gathered at Hunterest of all Parks in anticipation. Some were wearing tanks, but more were not. First exercise, pledge of allegiance. Warm Up SSHs, Good mornings, Sir Fazio, Runner’s stretch, calf stretch, Plank jacks, and CFMs. Pre-Thang 33 burpees to the dulcet tones of AC/DC’s Brian Johnson singing Thunderstruck. The Actual Thang Split into 2 teams to execute the following: [Read More]

Play Like A Champion Today

When: 8/29/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Bagger, Biner, Crimson, Franklin, GTL, Hello Kitty, Katniss, Nature Boy, PBX, Shut-in, Sooey, Side Saddle(FNG), Sour Mash, Napster, Parker, Snots, Sooner, Water Wings, Goose, Bogo, PetSounds With the previous day’s Burt-al beatdown and EC YHC was in no shape to run… Fragile status lately with a string of injuries. Hell to grow old. YHC was shocked to learn while Q shopping for the week that he had the Q at FOD the next day. [Read More]