GrowRuck 44: The Eleventh Hour

RALLY: We got to the rally and delivered our 3rdF donations while observing a trailer of telephone poles. Wonder what those could be for? YHC was amped up at the rally and just wanted to get into the ruck. It was good to meet the cadre and trainers, in advance, and hear them speak about the event and the expectations. I think it was here at the rally that I heard something that went through my mind all night, during the ruck, “He who knows his why, can endure almost any how. [Read More]

It's a Jungle at Lion's Den

7 at A-Team. 18 at DTP. 25!! at Lion’s Den. Difficult to scale, and I’m learning a lot still. 0530: Several mallwalkers and motherruckers out with the bootcampers this morning. An EC runner or two.All assembled, no FNGs, lots of familiar faces, Pledge of Allegiance, statement that we’ll keep pretty close to the flag, and we immediately have to move (too many pax for the first exercise). First was a follow-me to the coziest spot in Peak City for some Good Mornings (missed you Big Red). [Read More]

GrowRuck 32: Neptune's Adventure

Four pax from Carpex attended GrowRuck Training Event (GTE) 32 this past weekend, dubbed Neptune’s Adventure, hosted by F3 Hampton Roads. For three of us, this was our first GTE. GTEs are F3 leadership development events that are run by a cadre of volunteer pax at the national level who have gone through specific training programs (and are often former military and/or medical personnel) that help them design an experience meant to push men to the point of failure so that they can learn more about how to accelerate themselves, others, and the Pax, people, and regions back home. [Read More]

SNS 9/22/21: We Need To Talk

Believe or not, I had a plan for today. At 0545, nine men headed off for bootcamp. WARM UP Jog to the lower lot and circle up for: SSH Merkins Good Mornings Abe Vigodas Squats Fazios THE THANG YHC had everyone get a partner, then I explained the premise. We would run laps around the large lot in pairs, however I would be guiding the conversation. In between each set of laps, 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs as a group. [Read More]

Shaken by Shakin'

AO: Shaken Not Stirred Workout Date: 07/07/21 I’ve always been confused by the spelling of Shakin Not Stirred on the schedule. Obviously some type of 007 reference for the (James) Bond Park AO. As I tweeted out the night before, I could only think Shakin was an obscure reference to the classic Eddie Money song. You are correct, that does not make sense. I’ve posted Bond Park workouts a few times, but never at the anchor boot camp of Carpex’s former weekly convergence. [Read More]

Who's Your Uncle?

The Back Story After fifteen hours of rain from Tropical Storm Elsa, the skies parted and left a beautiful Carpex just ready for something special – YHC’s first Q. And what an auspicious occasion it was! I knew I took a long time to finally get to this place and there were a lot of guys that encouraged, pushed, and flat-out razzed me to get here. Thank you all for that. [Read More]

Mexican Slayride*

It snuck up on me, but my 6-year anniversary of my first post is 6/15. I first posted at A-Team, at the urging of Hotspot, way back in 2015. You know he can be convincing… Crazy busy schedule these last few days, with 2.0 Zip Drive wrapping up his high school career, and all the celebrations that signal the end of one phase, and the beginning of another. But I saw that A-Team was Q-less, and, even with all the crazy in my life right now, could NOT pass up a chance to see if I could pull off another themed Q there. [Read More]

Hide and Seek

Today’s Q was in doubt when I jammed up my ankle at #2F-Guys-and-Balls yesterday. But all I did was make the PAX run while I stayed central for the workout. The HIMs were understanding and didn’t rag on me too bad about that…they focused on my sexy new silkies instead. Since I wasn’t hiding any part of my legs in those silkies (totally a photo of me as featured photo), I decided we’d play hide and seek for our workout instead. [Read More]

Dangerzone 4/23/21

38 degrees and clear. 12 men showed up for a little old school fun. And it was an old school kind of crew, what with the likes of Burt, Coney, Riptide, Shut-In, and McCants, but with a splash of slightly newer blood like Hermes, Flip Flop, Lookout, Blowout, Viewmaster, and Happy Gilmore. All in all, a solid group, of which I was the slowest PAX. YHC planned an impeccable Q last week at Shakin’ Not Stirred. [Read More]


Met up at the ‘flag’ with a collection of both new and old faces for measure twice. No headlamps needed. Full moon is tomorrow Measure the First: Run 45 minutes. Covered about 5.5 miles in a brisk pace but not so brisk that conversation was impossible. Enjoyed catching up with Mayflower, Torpedo, One Four and Mr. Safety. Squatter grunted once, so I suppose that’s a win. Back to the ‘flag’ right on time. [Read More]