West meets East

Men of Carpex, thank you for having us. We had a blast, and your mumble chatter game is truly second to none. Q - F3 GODRUSH’s Happy Meal and Bilbo 13 pax The Thing: Active warm-up: People’s chair w/ bat wings, copperhead squats, and alligator merkins. 11s on the grassy Hill. Bear crawl uphill, Scorpion Dry Docks (Cali kids legally can’t do Carolina Dry Docks in NC), crawl bear downhill, and Turkish get-ups. [Read More]

Mosquito joy at the 'rok

Kids are out of town so of course all us nutters at F3 decide that’s a great time to post extra and maybe hit up sites that are normally off the books, right? Looked forward to this crew, knowing that it usually brings some faces that are less frequently seen in the gloom. So of course the first face I see when I roll up is Press On rocking a TCU Fear the Frog t-shirt. [Read More]

1,000 Yard Stare

When Tang came to me for advice about starting an evening workout I thought he was joking. F3 is a morning thing. We workout in the gloom because…well, I mean have you ever seen Kwik Stop in the light of day? Exactly! But I knew respects like Biner and Ma Bell were usually being put down by their nurses in the evening so maybe knowing those types would be out would bring in more PAX. [Read More]

Factor of 5 at Ragnarok on Thorsday

Date: 11/05/2020 PAX: Chewie, Seahawk, Tang. Texas Ranger, WWW, and TR’s fur baby F3 Blaze. The weather was spot on for a beatdown, mid 60’s. I was honored to Q on my 3rd visit to #au-thurs-ragnarok which earned me a hoodie. No FNGs, Pledged our Allegiance to Old Glory. off we went around the pickle (runners 2 laps, walkers 1). Circle up to warm-up: good evenings, Sir Fazios & Alleluias. [Read More]

Valentine’s Day is all about the HEART!!!

Date: 2/15 PAX: Wrench, How How, Big Red, Animal, EarharT, Loom, Smokey, Shipper, Texas Ranger, Seahawk, WWW, Deuce, Horatio I checked the Steve forecast and low and behold, he was blasting out 28 degrees but dry. Beautiful morning for a workout in the gloom. Once all the PAX arrived and 0530 hit, I called out some test questions (Mission, Core Values, and Credo) and we recited the Pledge of Allegiance. We headed out for a light mosey around the pickle and back to the flag to circle up for warm-up. [Read More]

Hot, Humid, Hills

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” We were all created equal, and these 17 HIMs met in the early morn on this Independence Day Eve 2018 to fight gravity and humidity in an effort to better themselves, and their fellow man. With several pax heavily anticipating the 1776 convergence tomorrow morning, the objective today was the keep the pax moving, and spread the workout focus without overemphasizing any particular body part. [Read More]

Stolen Typewriter

Roll into the Sovereign Grace Church parking lot and there’s already a lot of activity. Some of the PAX are finishing up their EC pull-ups, and we’ve got a clown car from South Wake. YHC has just enough time to place cones in the parking lot, and it’s time to go. Warm-Up Mosey down to the bottom of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, plank jacks and Sir Fazios. [Read More]