Ninja Swap

Pre-Blast 22 heroes at Bastille in Churam for a Ninja Q Swap with @Grunge and YHC. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at…no flag?! Tighten up, Churam. Run around the lots, extended Paint the Lines. Circle up for: GM, WM, Groiner Merkins, SSH. The Thangs ONE: AYG the length of the lot up the hill. THREES: up and down the first hill in the lot, Bear Crawl up the hill for Burpees, run down the hill for LBCs PUTS or Mary while u wait. [Read More]

12 Days - Tour Style

Small crowd post Christmas gathered in the launch area, one FNG, disclaimer given and we are off for a mozy through Bond Park, stopping occasionally to celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas as a group. Warmup 15 SSH (whoops) 12 Hillbillies 12 Good Mornings 12 Merkins 12 Mountain Climbers Thang 1st Day – Mozy 2nd Day – Burpees 3rd Day – WW2 4th Day – Diamond Merkins 5th Day – LR Lunges [Read More]

Bayside High School Is Awesome

I love @jeremyfoland sending out the weekly “Who’s Qing” tweet because about every 4th week or so I look and say, “Oh, I’m Qing this week.” And speaking of Hotspot, we’ll get back to him a little later. Good crowd of 21 PAX today, including 2 FNGs from out of state. The FNGs came with Grease so I knew they’d be athletes and were probably use to being in action. Gave the disclaimer and we were on our way. [Read More]