Shooting sparks and a deck of cards

23 and me. Oh wait. This isn’t a commercial for a DNA testing kit. This is a writeup for the workout that happened today. Take 2. 23 men joined YHC at Hells Bells to kick off GTFO week. It stand for Get The F**k Out. A challenge for the PAX at AO’s they don’t normally come to. We had a good mix of PAX who are HB regulars and some “visitors” who may not have been to Hells Bells or at least not a regular part of their workout journey. [Read More]

Get that dart rate up

I don’t Q often (this is something I should work on), but when I do Q a workout, it will be unique and out of the ordinary. Today was no exception. I wasn’t sure how this would be received by the PAX, but I didn’t care. If the PAX want to complain about the workout, that is music to my ears. If they want to have an easy workout, they can Q their own. [Read More]

No Fooling Around

23 Fools helped YHC celebrate 43 years. Following the welcome, disclaimer, and pledge we warmed up the hammies with some high kicks, butt kickers, and imperial walkers. We proceeded to Mosey with Bruisers continuing the butt kickers and high knees and runners taking a stroll around the new coffeteria location in Amberly. THANG 1: We warmed up with a series of exercises and stretches to get us ready for 7s on the hill with Copperhead Merkins at the top and monkey humpers at the bottom. [Read More]

Promises of a Summer Body

Upon checking the Q sheet, YHC noticed no one grabbed Hells Bells. As Site Q, I could’ve pushed this to another PAX member but decided to step up and grab it. I’m still working on organizing a workout without the assistance of a winkie. Arriving at Cornerstone I noticed it was raining, I didn’t check the weather so whatever, gloomy is fine by my standards. Pulling out the bells the PAX started rolling in at 0520. [Read More]

2017 was 5 years ago?

It is hard to believe that 2017 was 5 years ago but alas here we are celebrating my 5 years of doing this thing we call F3. I am still not sure why I started in January since I really do not like cold but so glad I decided to join Crimson all those years ago. A little known fact is I did not start posting regularly until early March 2017 frequently using the too cold excuse. [Read More]


Here in the year of our Lord 2,022, there has been a fair amount of grief given over what happens with an AO when it snows. Or threatens to snow. Or is predicted to snow later this week. As it turns out, earlier this week, at least a handful of AOs were closed on account of the white fluffy stuff. The horror! On slack, much virtual ink was spilled on this topic, so much so that the rest of the week all site Qs were quick to highlight how they, and only they, would NEVER close on account of inclement weather. [Read More]

10 rounds with Mike Tyson

1/18/2022 7 HIMS for 10 rounds with Mike Tyson (Yogi style). It was in the sub-20s this morning and it was essential to get going quickly to get the body warmed up. YHC quickly did some quick calisthenics so we could get to the workout. Getting 10 rounds in within 45 mins pushes the time. Thang: 5 stops with 10 reps / stop Round 1: Diamond merkins Round 2: LBC (4 count) [Read More]

Birthday Q focused on 8-Block Vision Board for 2022 Creation and Beatdown!!!

Originally created by F3 CSPAN and adopted to fit workout. The idea with the 8 Block is to IDENTIFY THE AREAS WHERE YOU NEED TO WORK ON AND WRITE THEM DOWN. This way you can refer back to it. While you are working out, pick a word for the year. This will help you focus and refer to your 8-Block periodically. Front-side: Start in the top left block: focus on you Concentrica; partner up [Read More]

Kettlebell & Coffee on a Monday Morning!

Looking to wrap up the year stronger than I started I felt it was time to lift heavy things with a group of 23 others HIM. That along with the promise for some trunk coffee and perhaps the need to check off a few last boxes brought me out to Hells Bell’s this AM YHC gave disclaimer, searched for FNGS and with non present we started with the pledge then mozy the pickle and starting with [Read More]


Date: 11/17/2021 13 posted at #ao-wed-tortoisess We had no HIM step up to sign up and Q on the Q Sheet. So, I being the Site Q called a Cluster Q. What’s awesome about this format is everyone working out gets the opportunity to work on calling out the exercise, calling out the cadence, and leading the men through it (mini Q School). Also, the PAX has no clue what their Brother is going to call until they call it. [Read More]