Birthday Q focused on 8-Block Vision Board for 2022 Creation and Beatdown!!!

Originally created by F3 CSPAN and adopted to fit workout. The idea with the 8 Block is to IDENTIFY THE AREAS WHERE YOU NEED TO WORK ON AND WRITE THEM DOWN. This way you can refer back to it. While you are working out, pick a word for the year. This will help you focus and refer to your 8-Block periodically. Front-side: Start in the top left block: focus on you Concentrica; partner up [Read More]

Round Robin at #ao-mon-hellsbells

Date: 8/16/2021 PAX: Wahoo, Reentry, Bronx Bomber, Clockwork, Three Finger Salute, Dr. Suess, Hey There, Theismann, Side-Out, Left Cheek, Bolton, Tramp Stamp, Roasters, Triple Lindy, Peeping Tom, WWW Signed up to help out Wahoo when he posted on 1stF asking for a Q. I took the opportunity to lead. Met up with the HIMs in the gloom and they were fired up to go. Went through all the F3 administravia (Mission, Core Values, Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory. [Read More]

Making Tortoises Great Again

Approximately 4 years ago, after months of EH’ing by CHiPs from South Wake, YHC made his F3 debut at the premier Wednesday limited run AO in all of Carpex. I say approximately because there is no backblast for the workout. But it was the 2nd Wednesday in August, if my feeble 51 year old memory is doing me any favors today. It was rough. Yogi had the Q and I’m pretty sure I coded at least twice during the workout. [Read More]

Adult "Keepy Uppy"

At the elite Tuesday limited-run/maximum pain AO in Carpex, we wanted to do something special today. I am still limited with an ankle but was looking forward to mixing things up a bit. I still had beers leftover from 2.0’s birthday, so I brought those…and some of his Bluey balloons for the PAX to play with. I am pretty sure I heard Repeato giggle with glee as those balloons were introduced. [Read More]

That's Ten Enough

We had 18 PAX gather this morning at Tortoises to celebrate my 4 year F3 anniversary. I’m not sure if many of them were there to support me or if it was the fact that is was pouring rain yesterday and its going to be chilly with light snow tomorrow. 45 degrees with heavy mumblechatter. With 5:30 approaching, we started with the Pledge. Its a great way to start the day, and an even better way to get everyones attention. [Read More]


It was a cold December day, just above freezing, when I pulled into the parking lot of Cornerstone Fellowship Church in Apex. A few PAX were in their vehicles keeping warm, a few out moving around the parking lot doing I know not what. The kettle bells were not out of their container yet, so with TrackStar’s help we pulled more than enough bells out for the 11 PAX that came out to join me in the gloom. [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 4 #5 Tin2Iron Tire is the Pacer

Date: 12/17/2020 PAX: Ausfahrt, Disco Duck, Hello Kitty, Intimidator, Pet Sounds, Ramsay, Reentry, Roasters, WWW I arrived at the AO early to get prepped. Coffee started and equipment out. As it gets closer to time, I noticed two runners making their way to the AO (Hello Kitty and Ramsay). They wanted their mileage. Hello Kitty mentions that Pet Sounds was supposed to run in as well. 0530 on the clock and no Pet Sounds. [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 3 #4 Tortoises Block Party

Date: 12/16/2020 (Happy Birthday) PAX: Disco Duck, Mr. Safety, Reentry, Roasters, WWW #4 of 8 Q’s on the docket. I got the to the AO early enough to get coffee brewing. It was cold but glorious for some body conditioning. 0530 and I’m ready to get this party started. YHC directs the PAX to the cinder block holding area to select the best one for them. Oh yeah, there is no difference. [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 1 Hells Bells

Date: 12/14/2020 PAX: Reentry, Snots, Ma Bell, Yahoo, Wahoo, Triple Lindy, Earhart, Entitlement, Roasters, Theismann, Side Out, Track Start, Kwik Stop, Free Bird, WWW Q’ing for a whole week to commemorate my birthday on 12/16 & also my F3-versary since 2017. I first heard about F3 while I was in the Cary YMCA. There was a guy in the gym talking about it to his friend. He heard about F3 in Next Door website. [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 2 #2 Claymore

Date: 12/15/2020 PAX: Cataracts, Chewie, EarharT, Frisco, Happy Gilmore, Intimidator, Kwik Stop, Mama’s Boy, Pickles, Red Ryder, Reentry, Roasters, Suck Up, WWW Day 2.1 of the quest. I noticed that as I’m preparing the workout, it is not that easy. I always try to make multiple workouts different so it keeps the PAX guessing. But I do have my favorite routines and the thang I have planned can be modified in so many different ways that it is not boring. [Read More]