We'll Get It Right Eventually

The gloomiest AO in Cary in downright pleasant as dawn starts to creep in. A nice crowd is already gathered around the flag as YHC rolls in. Pledge. Take a lap around the parking lot and circle up on the basketball court. 5 GM IC 25 SSH IC 15 Imperial Walkers IC Calf Stretch 15 Merkins OMD Calf Stretch 15 Merkins OMD Runners Stretch Move over to the jogging path and line up behind YHC. [Read More]

Things Were Meant to be Carried

Another glorious night in DTC, ok, it was gloomy and misty. It had been awhile since my last Q. I have been working on this idea for awhile. I arrived early to set up and Old Maid was already on his way out for an EC run, 4+ miles. 4 other did a EC around the ToC campus. Red Ryder let me know of a possible FNG he was bringing. I was nervous, since I had never Q’d when we had an FNG. [Read More]

The Den in the Darkness

I showed up a few minutes before 0530 to find some returning EC runners who said the parking lot was dark when they left. This is only my second time at the LD, so an impromptu darkness Q would have been unwelcome. Luckily the Diocese had indeed paid the electric bill and the original plan was in effect. No new folks, although Rock Lobster has shaved and looks like a different human. [Read More]