Leading From The 6

So I’ll write my normal Frisco style HIDA BB below but after seeing Half do something at the office today I decided to put some HIM stuff first. As Half was walking down the hall he noticed a hair on the ground behind him and quickly ran back to check to see if it was one of his (it wasn’t). Still he picked it up and dropped it in a small golden case he carries. [Read More]

The Legend of 44

15 HIMs joined me for my VQ on a cold, dark morning at the finest AO on a Thursday morning in NW Cary. After months of PAX asking if I owned a fruit stand, if my last name was Darling or if I accidentally forgot my F3 name (and received a girl’s name), today I shared the origins of Clementine, as well as a brief history on the Legend of 44 at Syracuse University (go Orange! [Read More]

Workout at BO

14 dudes worked out in 32 degree weather with a nippy wind chill. Mission of F3 Safety Warm up with stretching, exercises and sprints Double 7s in Baptist Church Lot. Burbees, Hand release Merkins and Jump Squats ManMaker Ladder on Academy. Up to 5. I.E (1, merkin, 1 plank jack, 1 jump with a clap) up to 5 man makers with 5 Merkins, 5 plank jacks and 5 jumps with a clap) [Read More]

Celebrating the King

A crisp morning greeted thirteen PAX as they descended upon the best lit Tuesday morning AO in all of Carpex. YHC and 6 others, including colleague Arts n Crafts from Chicago, were led by Repeato on a little EC run on the greenways around the Scottish Hills neighborhood. It’s 5:45, so time to get started. Jog to the left parking lot (after going back for phone and bluetooth speaker that would come into play later. [Read More]

Changing of the Guard

Due to technical issues, there is not a way to have the QIC list both Beaker and YHC as the QIC but he was in the mix and deserves the glory. Warm-up Beaker led all the PAX from the flag over to the other lower parking lot and back again to get the legs moving. Once we circled back up we enjoyed a few other treats: SSH x 20 Windmills x 10 Slow Count Merkins x 10 Good Mornings x 10 Thang 1 [Read More]

Cold Burpees

It was a cold morning at the finest AO in NW Cary, on a Thursday morning. The mumblechatter abounded on slack about the impending Burpee beatdown and there were still two dozen PAX in attendance. Here is how it went down…. Disclaimer to two FNGs - Welcome Molson and Ratchet! At 5:45 sharp many PAXs were surprised as YHC started jogging. Quick warm up run to the front middle school parking lot for some warm up. [Read More]