The Dragon's Tail (or is that tale?)

Luckily, YHC was in bed by 10:00, so plenty of rest before the Q at SNS. But, it was a long day. It was my day to home school my two girls so the M could work. After dominating the Letterland lesson, we crushed counting to 100 by fives and tens. I was mentally exhausted. YHC did rebound for science and P.E., and then, in the spirit of my kids missing being at school, cooked up some droopy square pizza for lunch. [Read More]

If you want to be number one, train like you are number 2, yep, another BRR inspiration

No one claimed the clean gloves I picked up two weeks ago at wolverine, they are clean. Gloves are optional this morning. No new guys. Mosey to the Park Village pool parking lot to warm up with various exercises including runners stretch and pigeon pose. Recover Mosey to top of hill at the second island, on Park Village Drive. Low squat waiting on instructions: - Run to playground at bottom of hill. [Read More]

148, 44, 54, 6, 3, 2

Angry Elf and YHC had it all planned out. Until 50 guys showed up at Danger Zone! Too many to take down into the bowels of the park. But we have a glorious field that fits 50 perfectly. Anyway, today was a big day. A day of numbers one might say. 6 - Carpex’ 6th Anniversary. Evidence shows the first Cary F3 workout occurred on 5/31/2013 at North Cary Park and was named Danger Zone. [Read More]

It's Gonna Be May

Mall Walkers: Chinese Downhill, CK - These guys walked and talked. Mall Walkers with Backpacks: Hotcakes, Skipper, Carvana - These guys walked and talked with heavy stuff. Joggers: Hermes, Bogo, Denali, Largemouth, Old Maid, Hasslehoff, Hotspot, One Four, Coney, Chanticleer, Grease Monkey, Michelob, Bart, Half Baked - These guys jogged around and talked and listened to music. Baddass Bootcampers: Banjo, Build-a-Bear, Flacco, Franklin, Hi-Liter, Pivot, Saban, Sabre, Shut-In, Snots, Swag, Term Paper, Torpedo [Read More]


Beautiful morning at Hell’s Bells for some fun! My first kettleball workout Q, so I did my homework & hoped to do a proper job…. 14 HIMs gathered – No FNGs, only familiar faces. F3 intro given & we started with the pledge. Moseyed around the pickle – front/back/left/right, etc…. With all that running out of the way, we rolled into: The Warm Up Circle up for SSH, prisoner squats (deep stretch style), homer-to-marge, lunges, hip rotators, merkins, and spidermans. [Read More]

Shakin' & Stirrin'

Warm & beautiful morning in Cary’s Bond Park for Shaken not Stirred – great group of hard workin’ men too! It was my pleasure to lead such a group & I thoroughly enjoyed it! No FNGs, only familiar faces. Started with the pledge & moved out to a close-by parking lot. The group was informed that this is F3 – modify as necessary! We rolled into: The Warm Up Circle up for SSH, good mornings, windmills, cotton pickers, calf-stretch merkins, mountain climbers, etc. [Read More]

Reflection Rock

Good morning. YHC was on the Q sheet, then Pickles asked for it for his anniversary, then Pickles had a tooth fall out or something, so I’m back baby. Fresh off a fulfilling, yet taxing, 30-minute block for #F3Pray24 and I was ready to lead the pax for a solid beatdown.Seeing 1 FNG, and taking time to mention Pray 24, a quick bow of the heads before we left the lot; pax were witnessed to a prayer + mission statement + disclaimer combo. [Read More]

Topless Broga

One never knows what to expect on April 1st. YHC decided to play it straight, and keep the PAX wondering. At 05:29, twenty PAX had gathered around the flag in anticipation - April Fool’s jokes or not? After the Pledge of Allegiance, we’re off. Warm Up Two laps around the pickle with some backwards running, Karaoke both ways, and high knees. Circle up for SSHs, Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, Plank Jacks and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]


37 shakers and vesperers came in to the gloom on special day across F3 Nation, a day where we set aside some time during COT to talk about mental health. But first we have to squeeze 45 minutes of pain into 35 minutes. To help us out, and to illustrate a point, we’re taking one of the Rolling Stone coupons with us, a solid, sturdy log, large and heavy enough that it requires two PAX to carry it. [Read More]