12 Ways that Year 2 Differed from Year 1

Following up on my 12 pieces of advice from last year’s f3versary backblast, I thought it might be fun to reflect on how things were different over this second year. To summarize, I would say focusing and finding my place was the theme for this past year. Q’d a lot more this year (30+), and am more comfortable, yet oddly perhaps less prepared, at leading. Wrote way fewer backblasts. Used to write one per workout. [Read More]

Ryder-versary Volume 2

Is the sequel better than the original? Well I can’t judge that. Dante’s Peak is the 2nd place I ever posted, so it’s a traditional stop on the anniversary tour. True story - YHC was EH’d by CHiPs from South Wake. I posted at Tortoises first time, and didn’t tell him I was going. Just texted afterwards, and told him I was going to go to DP if I survived the first time. [Read More]


This is going to be short. Sorry fellas. I’m beat. Kids are out of town still so last night the M and I went to dinner at Hank’s Dive Bar in DTC. It’s not really a dive but the drinks are good and the fried cauliflower is fantastic. Recommended. I had seen Chewie walk by the window earlier in the evening so as we were leaving I gave the place a bit of a scan to see if I would spot him. [Read More]

Who's Your Uncle?

The Back Story After fifteen hours of rain from Tropical Storm Elsa, the skies parted and left a beautiful Carpex just ready for something special – YHC’s first Q. And what an auspicious occasion it was! I knew I took a long time to finally get to this place and there were a lot of guys that encouraged, pushed, and flat-out razzed me to get here. Thank you all for that. [Read More]

Double Sevens!

So YHC made the mistake of asking earlier in the week who had the Q for Piranha Park on Saturday. Well, site Q Peeping Tom replied no one and asked if I wanted to take it. I said maybe, so naturally he just went ahead and put my name on the sheet. Fair enough, let’s see what I can do with an hour… Warmup: Pledge of allegiance to the flag and mission statement and off we head out of the park towards the road. [Read More]

Garbage Plate

13 pax weren’t about to let a little rain stop us from enjoying this beautiful morning. Warm-Up Mosey to the end of the lot and circle up for daisy pickers, hillbillies, Sir Fazios, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and control freak good mornings. The Thang Mosey from the south entrance to the north entrance with two merkins at each light pole. Continue our mosey to the big, beautiful soccer field. Using only half the field mosey to each corner for ten squats, with a return to the center for three burpees between corners. [Read More]

Zero Piranhas, Three Bunnies

Workout Date: 05/15/21 YHC has never posted Piranha Park, but as I am stepping up my Carpex Qs, I figured a standard one hour Saturday workout would be a great start. Warm Up: Check for FNGs, give the mission statement, give the disclaimer, and warm up: Side Straddle Hop x20 In Cadence (IC) Good Morning x10 IC Imperial Walker x20 IC Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC Forward x10 IC Reverse [Read More]

All creatures, great and small

So…recently trying to get back in the swing of things, Piranha Park has become a new favorite. I’ve still not had a single drop of Vicious Fishes brews, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the Piranha Joe’s offerings. This has become a “go for the 1st F so I can enjoy the 2nd and 3rd F” workouts. The call went out from Peeping Tom on Thursday afternoon…and it sat there for just a little bit before YHC picked it up. [Read More]

To Go Where No PAX Has Gone Before

It’s probably because of spring break week. Yes, definitely spring break. Lot’s of people out of town. But could it be the weather? Less likely but possible. I know some of the Carpex PAX have been, shall I say, a bit disappointed in the lack of resilience from their brothers when it comes to posting in less-than-ideal weather. Could it be ME? Could YHC be the reason for the low numbers this morning at the premier 0530 start, standard boot camp at Olive Chapel Elementary school? [Read More]

No Mamby Pamby Here

On a rare weekend at home, Earhart put out the call there was no Q for Piranha Park. YHC quickly snapped it up. EC and pain options abound at Apex Nature Park, even though the AO has to start so late to allow Cheddar Bo Jr the chance to unlock the cot dang gate. Anyway, remembering an OTB EC run we did a few months ago in from Vicious Fishes then back again afterward, I decided to resurrect it. [Read More]