The Circuit is the Thang

A cool, clear morning greeted 18 PAX for a basic run and beatdown workout. No FNGs and everyone there on time, so off we go to the back parking lot. Circle up in the parking lot for: Warm Up 10 Good Mornings 20 Side Straddle Hops 10 Cotton Pickers 10 Windmills 10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles 10 Hillbillies The Thang Count-a-rama before the thang, telling them to remember their number for later. [Read More]

The Old Stomping Ground

YHC gets a bit giddy for a Q at BO. Afterall, it is the very finest AO in CARPex and may well be in the great state of North Carolina. It also has the best site Q’s and site Q emeriti. There really isn’t much negative you can find in this gem and the men that come to this hallowed ground know it. Its been a while since the Ripper has Q’d, as he has allowed the other men to led the PAX here more recently. [Read More]

Monday 3/20/17

Warm up - 2 laps around the circle SSH x 20 ,Good morning x 10, Imperial walker x 20 Mountain climbers - merkins x20 - plank hold 10 burpees 1 lap around the circle Rock pile - Mary? LBC x 20, American Hammer x20, 6 inch leg hold Shoulder press - 10 merkins ,curls - 10 merkins,Triceps extension - 10 merkins - Repeato no merkins 2nd time 9 Burpees Pseudo indian run to the front parking lot by the gate, groups of 4, broken up into fast and slow groups. [Read More]