Day 28.

We Murphed. It was glorious. Almost exactly 1 mile run to a playground at Mama’s Boy’s neighborhood pool. There were tunes. Hello Kitty doesn’t much care for the Rolling Stones. Nobody argued with him. Joe Smith is STRONG at pull-ups. STRONG. By the way, Dazed & Confused is back at Apex High School. Try to park as far away as possible as not to upset teachers with assigned parking spots. And circle up off to the side so incoming teachers don’t run you over. [Read More]


Warm-Up Mosey up to the front of the school and circle up for imperial walkers, arm circles, daisy pickers, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. The Thang Mosey around the school to the bus parking lot and count off 1s and 2s. One group BTTW while the other does 20 merkins, repeato with peoples chair and squats, then a lap around the buses. Repeato with 15 and 10 counts. Mosey over to the back parking lot for island sprints, with 10 monkey humpers and 10 dry docks every time you return to the first island. [Read More]

Who the heck is Rainbow Larry?

When I woke up and heard the thunder and rain I didn’t even flinch. I just rolled out of bed and continued my morning routine. I knew it was going to be wet. I just hoped the Q, Rainbow Larry would keep us relatively dry in the case of a downpour. Luckily Dantes Peak has a nice Pavilion with benches. When YHC finally pulled into the AO I noticed Cheddar Bo had unlocked the gates. [Read More]

I couldn't think of a good title

YHC signed up to Q this morning to ensure accountability to show up after a few days of solid fartsacking. After a fiasco of finding parking, YHC ran up to where the flag should have been at 5:44. After a quick pledge, we split the strong group of 16 between YHC and Earhart. This is what the Sooey Crew accomplished. Warm up SSH GM Windmill Imperial Merkins OYO Calf stretch Jog around to front entrance stopping for some squats [Read More]

Return of the Deck II

YHC read Kermit’s Rush Hour BB yesterday and thought it was time to bring out a slightly different version of the deck. Funny story first though. Yesterday YHC posted to the Cary Cartel channel an optional to EC before BH to work the Hillz challenge. Plan was to meet at the bottom of the Shepherd’s Vineyard segment and run in then do another repeat on the way back. No one smashed the HC button so I wasn’t expecting anyone so I was very pleasantly surprised to see two cars in the parking lot at 0505 when I pulled up. [Read More]