It was a wheelbarrow of a time with Merkins, taboot! Luckily, QIC/YHC had extra gloves for those who showed up in the gloom without any.

Date: 9/5/19 PAX: Butt Fumble, Cataracts, Chicken Little, FNG Dreamliner, Frisco, Glow, Headroom, Oxtail, Prosecco, QueeQueg, Qwerty, Shipper, Slappy, Smithers, Taxi Driver, Wahoo, WWW The morning was beautiful with a comfortable 70 degrees. As the PAX showed up, I asked those who did not have any gloves as they stepped out of their chariot, why no gloves? Luckily, QIC/YHC was prepared and handed those without gloves extra gloves that I did have. [Read More]

Hot for Thursday

19 showed up for a beautiful Thursday morning at Olive Chapel Elementary. It was 64, low humidity, and the sun was just starting to come up. Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - I am not a professional, F3 has no assets (did a lawyer actually make sure I can’t be sued? Should I get that umbrella policy GEICO keeps trying to sell me before I Q again? Too late to ask these questions, it’s time to go) Pledge of allegiance First Thang: Map! [Read More]

And Here's To You Mrs. Johnson

While planning my first Q at Hot For Teacher, I thought back to my school days. I don’t remember most of my teachers, but I remember Mrs. Johnson. She was a mean old witch who pushed her students hard and didn’t tolerate any nonsense. I hated her back then, but now I wish my own 2.0 could have a teacher just like her. With that inspiration, here’s what we did. [Read More]

Get a Bowlful

Thanks to the 32 PAX who showed up for my VQ today. I think overall it well. Started with Intro/ Disclaimer… no FNG’s Pledge Follow me down to the Thales School parking lot for warm ups Warm-ups Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Side Straddle Hops Merkins Thang One 2 lines and Indian Run from Thales over to the Town Hall Diamond We did a Plank Hold while we waited on the 6 While still waiting on the 6 we did a squat hold. [Read More]

Like a Bat out of Hell

This YHC celebrates a 1 year anniversary with a Bells Q right where it all started. Enough about that! My playlist was off this morning not knowing the entire Meatloaf family would make up for a 1/3 of the morning PAX. Once the Meat wagon arrived we began on-time as always. Disclaimer, Pledge and of we went about 6 feet away. Morning Warm-ups included KB Hamstring Stretch, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio counter and clock with some seal claps. [Read More]

It's A Celebration

BIG. DAY. IN. CARPEX! 37 HIMs of all ages, including one FNG gathered at Apex’s finest Friday AO. YHC and WWW have the Q for what was anticipated to be a large, raucous crowd BEGGING for a beatdown. F3’s mission is recited, disclaimer is exclaimed, and allegiance is pledged. Mosey to the big circle for… Warm Up Good mornings, SSHs, Calf Stretches, A few sets of merkins, plank jacks and Steve Earles. [Read More]

Return of the Sharknado

24 Pax gathered round the flag at the Skate Park to join Rooney & Imp for the quarterly fitness test known as the Sharknado. Water Wings began the tradition and it was carried on by Parker and GTL. Now Rooney and Imp are your site Q’s at BH so the tradition will continue. After the disclaimer was given, we moseyed over to Apex Town Hall. Warm Up - Rooney led us in 15x SSH, 7x Good AM’s, 15x Mountain Climbers, 5x Burpees OYO, 5x Diamond Merkins, 5x WW2 Sit Ups, 5x Standard Merkins, & 5x Scorpion Dry Docks [Read More]