Happy Gilmore or Water Boy which is it. Both movies definitely pleased the crowd.

PAX: Schilitz, Kermit, Whisper, Pikachu, Peeping Tom, Disco Duck, WWW, Vallencourt I had to give up my Q for Dazed and Confused because I could not post before my Q date so I audibled. I gave up my Q to a worthy Brother, Triple Lindy. So I did not have to look far to sign up for an empty Q slot. One of the best AOs in Cary, Rush Hour was wide the hell open. [Read More]

Eight Years

I had to de-commit from a BH Halloween Q, so I scooped up this FWD Q toward the end of last week. Knew it was going to be sandwiched between a late night return from being DR and an insane week at work, but the importance around the day itself made committing to this make sense… FNG Check - F3 Mission Statement - Disclaimer - FOLLOW ME! Down into the park and around the far pickle. [Read More]

Two Drink Minimum

Wow, the weather forecast was intimidating for my first Q at Rush Hour. I seriously thought it might be just me and Theismann, and I was nervous at trying to keep up with him, even when he is wearing a 20# weighted vest. So I packed up a cooler with some waters and cold towels as a mini SAG station, and headed down to lovely DTC. To my surprise, it was the largest turnout that I’ve experienced at Rush Hour, a PAX of 9, including two of our Friendly SW Guys (FSWGs - both of whom were wearing weighted vests). [Read More]

12 months and 20 pounds ago..

So 1 year ago was my first post in F3 at Rush Hour so, of course, I had to Q Rush Hour to celebrate. At 5:45 we had a good group so off we moseyed over to grassy area next to the parking deck. Warm Up 15 SSH 10 Sir Fazio Forward and Backward 10 Merkins 10 Good Morning (After Noon) Thang 1 We moseyed over to the small fountain area for some [Read More]


YHC rolled into Jones Park with WWW in his truck full of toys, ready to close out the Carpex-to-SW part of #QSwapWeek at Groundpounders. The parking lot filled up quickly with friendly faces, some from Carpex, some from South Wake, and before long we had a crowd too big to fit the workout we had meticulously planned. Looks like we need to modify, so we’ll modify as needed. Warm-Up WWW takes us on a lap around the pickle and circle up for good mornings, hamstring stretches, Sir Fazios forwards and backwards, air presses, seal claps, overhead claps, calf stretches with merkins, mountain climbers, and plank jacks. [Read More]

I Thought Disney Was Warmer

Day 4 of #QSwapWeek had YHC and Yoga Mat repping the squad…..with no Carpex flag. Whoops… Lots of guys showed up for this one. We can recount them in the blurry picture to be sure. Warmup - Yoga kicked things off with a warmup that by the end felt more like a beatdown! Merkins and shoulder work. The Thang Run to the big giant parking lot one would typically only find in Orlando pulling up to the most magical place on earth. [Read More]

Lil warm

It’s Tuesday at 5:45 pm and YHC is looking at Q 3 of the week, on the journey to 10 (or 9 depending who you ask). A pair of So. Wake HIDAs join, hey Midg and Pikachu, sup Disco Duck. With a shovel flag in toe and a soft cooler of water (it was 97 at launch), we’re off. Warm up: To the bank for warm up stuff After a handful of exercise, partner up, 1 carpex w/ 1 so waker. [Read More]

Carpex at Cletus

When: January 19th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: 187, Pikachu, Lucky Charms, DoubleD, Term Paper, Disco Duck, Banjo, Shut-In, Banana Seat, Puddles, Slide Rule, Dog Pound, Dead Bolt, Buford, R22, Gump, Webex, Draper, Dauber, Brexit, Nemo, YHC Earhart It’s was icy, the roads were questionable, the radio news programs were all doom and gloom, and YHC was up early determined to represent our Carpex brothers in South Wake. I headed out from Apex, driving carefully, minding my lanes and looking for that elusive black ice, but, the path to Cletus turned out to be fine and YHC had no issues getting to the AO, outside the 6 foot high speed breakers. [Read More]

QSwap @ Flirting With Disaster – or – Slide Rules Goes to Carpex!

Background: For those who don’t know, Carpex is world region locally renowned for their Mumble Chatter. Also, the last time I Q’d in #SouthWake, the neighborhood FB / community running pages lit up with complaints about that “infernal loud counting” by F3 (aka YHC). Seems like a match made in heaven. Let’s make some NOISE boys! Background Pt 2: YHC arrived a little early to find PetSounds standing in the parking lot…in dockers and an argyle sweater. [Read More]

Legendary Mumblechatter

Q: Captain Insane-o (KD Pax from F3 Louisville; YHC) Pax (21): Term Paper (respect), Yoga Mat (respect), Theisman, Emeril, Disco Duck, Angry Elf, Riptide, Shut In, Chinese Downhill (respect), Picachu, WKRP, Hermès, Midget (for Life), Sliderule, Banana Seat, Burt (respect), Half, Calllahan, Highlighter, Cody (respect), CI Conditions: 36, nippy, clear. Gear (for F3 Louisville Zoolander): Bud Light Tank Top (smedium), gloves, shorts, skull face doorag, lady’s socks, running shoes. I woke up 5 minutes before my 0450 am alarm, and jumped in the Jeep Patriot to head down to Bradford’s Ordinary, the self-proclaimed Best AO in Raleigh-Durham. [Read More]