Tank Top Thursday at BO

DATE: 2023-02-23 AO: Bradford’s Ordinary (Carpex) Q: Pigpen PAX: Coco Crisp, Poncherello, Redenbacher, Hello Kitty, Magnolia, Callahan, Riptide, Sabre, Shoe Horn, Coney FNGs: None COUNT: 11 WARMUP: SSH x20 IC, IW x20 IC, Fazio F x10 IC R x10 IC, Merkins x10, stretching, Mountain Climbers x10 IC THE THANG: The Wendell Gee around First Baptist Church Partner up and run in opposite directions. When you meet, P1 squat holds while P2 does 5 burpees. [Read More]

<strong>First Contact at Phoenix</strong>

DATE: 2023-02-11 AO: Phoenix Q: Pigpen PAX: VHS, Poncherello, Pierogi, Flacco, Baywatch, En Garde, Big Red, Yeah Baby, Rolls Royce, Zangief, Pigpen FNGs: Zangief COUNT: 11 In my Raleigh Slack preblast I openly wondered how my plan would fare first contact, and it was a little rough! WARMUP: SSH x20 IC, IW x20 IC, Fazio F x10 IC, Fazio R x10 IC, Merkins x10 OMD, Downward Dog, Calf isolations, runners stretch, Mountain Climbers x10 IC [Read More]

A Stroll Down Charlie Gaddy Lane

AO: Bradford’s Ordinary Workout Date: 08/12/21 Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) Jacob’s Ladder on Waldo 2) 5s on Charlie Gaddy Lane (jump squats/star jumps) for the retired WRAL Action News 5 legend 3) Number of the Beast down Academy to appease/quiet the mumble chatter https://www.strava.com/activities/5781333316 Mary: A variety of ab exercises. COT: 17 PAX (14 bootcampers, 3 walkers/ruckers) [Read More]

Alright, Alright, Alright

AO: Dazed And Confused Workout Date: 08/13/21 Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) Number of The Beast in the front parking lot 2) Balls to the Wall, People’s Chair, and Australian Mountain Climbers on the wall by the school 3) Fives on the hill behind the parking deck. Squats and Star Jumps maybe? I took too long to write this Backblast and can’t remember [Read More]

Legends of Whoville

AO: Whoville Workout Date: 09/01/21 I’ve been so focused on the August Olympics-themed challenge and Qing the swim workouts in Raleigh that it’s been a hot minute since I attended a good old fashioned boot camp. About five minutes into the workout, it showed. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) (Number of) The Beast 2) Indian Run around the walking track (Local Legend! [Read More]

Moisture Is The Essence

AO: The Green Mile Workout Date: 08/14/21 An hour and a half long workout in the middle of Summer sounds like a great plan! We took multiple hydration breaks. Water is important, just ask the guy getting electrocuted in The Green Mile. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) 7-11s (Elevens of WW1s and Burpees with 7 Burpees each pass through the middle) in the big parking lot [Read More]

Front Toward Enemy

AO: Claymore Workout Date: 08/10/21 I scoped out the park on the internet, but arrived too late to scout. With only a couple of minutes to spare, I peppered site Q Skipper with multiple AO-related questions. Hopefully this did not worry him too much. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Side Straddle Hops x20 In Cadence (IC) Good Mornings x5 IC Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward x10 IC [Read More]

The Park is Mine

AO: Ground Pounder (South Wake) Workout Date: 07/31/21 This is the final Carpex Q of this year’s Q Swap Week with South Wake. What’s this Raleigh guy doing Qing this workout? Well, Your Humble Correspondent (YHC) signed up to Q before the Swap Week was announced and managed, via intense negotiations with BFF Disco Duck, to hold on to the slot. I did pick up a couple of Carpex shirts from Mudgear to make sure I represented appropriately. [Read More]

Circles on the Green

AO: Gran Torino Workout Date: 07/30/21 I got to witness Gran Torino from afar when I Q’d Rolling Stone back in May. Those fellas got in some serious mileage just doing laps in the parking lot. I’ve been putting off my Q, waiting until I was “ready.” How many times have we said/heard that at F3? I was originally scheduled to Q Crazy Ivan today but got unintentionally bumped off the Q Sheet there for Q Swap Week. [Read More]

Dora in the Lion's Den

AO: Lion’s Den Workout Date: 07/28/21 Last night was the end of season banquet for my kids’ Summer swim team. I went to bed as early as I could, but knew I wouldn’t be doing any sort of prerun this morning. After a few views over Google Maps and Dora in my back pocket, I showed up ready to wing it. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(1), and give the disclaimer. [Read More]