
Slept in on a Saturday morning, but can still sleep in and make EC run prior to my Q at Off The Rails. The beauty of later starts on the weekend. Warm Up We have an FNG, so make sure to give a solid disclaimer. Start off with The Pledge. Mosey to eventually reach the Thales Academy parking lot near the park. Hit the PAX with some SSHs, Good Mornings, Moroccan Night Clubs, Steve Earles, Calf and Runner’s stretch, and 10 CF Merkins for good measure. [Read More]

Off The Disco Rails

Though I really wanted to celebrate Disco Duck’s Respect Q, I had already committed to Q’ing OTR on this fine foggy morning. 10 others joined YHC for bunch of thangs with mediocre mumble chatter so I was told. With no FNGs present, we started with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mozy to parking lot for warm ups Good mornings seal claps sir fazios forward and backwards Seal Claps/Overhead claps Imperial walkers side stradle hops Thang 1: Partner up for Dora. [Read More]