Ninja Swap

Pre-Blast 22 heroes at Bastille in Churam for a Ninja Q Swap with @Grunge and YHC. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at…no flag?! Tighten up, Churam. Run around the lots, extended Paint the Lines. Circle up for: GM, WM, Groiner Merkins, SSH. The Thangs ONE: AYG the length of the lot up the hill. THREES: up and down the first hill in the lot, Bear Crawl up the hill for Burpees, run down the hill for LBCs PUTS or Mary while u wait. [Read More]

Hills for the Kulak Krew!

Wow – beautiful morning at the ole Danger Zone – crisp & cool with beautiful stars and a sliver of a moon. My man Flacco had the Q, but asked me to step in as he is under the weather – “my pleasure” as they say at Chick-fil-a – hope you feel better quickly! The PAX gathered with the site Q expertly giving parking commands – Klown Kar of Kulaks was a most welcome sight! [Read More]

Magic 8 Ball (Dice)

It was a calm, dark, and misty morning at Phoenix as I prepared for my (solo) virgin Q, it also kinda served as an unofficial “kickoff” of VQ week, which will officially begin on Monday. As expected the butterflies were stirring and the adrenaline was flowing, but I was definitely ready! By 6:25 a total of 18 pax were gathered and ready for the workout, and after an official welcome at 6:30, we were off jogging to the parking lot of the community center for warm ups. [Read More]

Gloom+ECR+ECP+Bruisers+Vanilla = A wonderful way to start your day

After my plane landed in North Cary, I met Chanticleer for 4 mile EC run. When we finished, we heard the EC pull-up crowd wrapping up, and then the rest of the PAX trickled in. No FNGs, and off we went. A mosey around the pickle and circle up. Warm-Up Good Mornings, Windmill, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, SSH, Steve Earle Mosey over to the basketball court. [Read More]

Milk Run

33 Pax gathered to celebrate YHC’s 35th birthday… well actually, they gathered to watch what would happen when Frisco drank a half gallon of milk prior to the beatdown. Banjo joined Frisco in the lactose challenge. Surprisingly, they were able to keep it all down during the workout. Pickles and Parker got in some EC merkins and several pax got in an EC fellowship run with Half. Once the new start time of 0530 rolled around, we were off! [Read More]