A Day in the Life

7 at A-Team. 18 at DTP. 25!! at Lion’s Den. A little more manageable here at Bounty Hunters, where there was a STRONG Happy Dino contingent this morning. 21 total, with 11 bootcampers and 10 runners. 0530: As the pax arrived, I shared the news to some who had not heard, about the passing of an F3 Knoxville pax, Taylor Phelps (Cardinal) during his VQ the day before. One of his planned exercises (that he didn’t get to) was the “Air Bike” (Freddy Mercury). [Read More]

Smoking the Smoky Mountain Relay 2022

For the first time, Carpex sent two 9-man teams to the Smoky Mountain Relay. Coincidentally, this was the first year that SMR had a 9-man division, and perhaps less coincidentally, the Carpex teams took 1st and 2nd place in that division. We’re going to cover a lot of ground in this backblast, from the teams, their experiences, the course, to a comparison with the perennial favorite Blue Ridge Relay (BRR), so buckle up, because this is going to be a bumpier ride than the “100% paved” abandoned Nantahala wilderness road of Leg 26! [Read More]

Decades Day 3: FOD 60's

YHC’s anniversary tour continues at Field of Dreams. Theme today is ‘60’s. Fantastic playlist in queue plus this is usually a well-attended AO, so especially excited for this one and arrived 30 min early to reacquaint myself to the site. Overflow had his earbuds in expecting a solo EC - he ended up joining YHC along with Sunshine and PBX for a couple miles - great mumblechatter as to be expected with 75% Steves. [Read More]

Moisture Is The Essence

AO: The Green Mile Workout Date: 08/14/21 An hour and a half long workout in the middle of Summer sounds like a great plan! We took multiple hydration breaks. Water is important, just ask the guy getting electrocuted in The Green Mile. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) 7-11s (Elevens of WW1s and Burpees with 7 Burpees each pass through the middle) in the big parking lot [Read More]

Do you even plan, bro?

A few weeks ago, I realized I had not Q’d a single Monday workout in 2021. Well, that seems to be a problem which needs fixing. Meet up at 5:05 at Wolverine to run some hills with Ma Bell. Return to a parking lot of HIMs at 5:28. Warm Up Run across the street to the pool parking lot. Circle up for Good Mornings, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, Runner’s stretch, calf stretch, with a little Pigeon thrown in there. [Read More]


YHC was looking forward to some heavy rain this morning, unfortunately it held off. The rain wasn’t there, but Peirogi was, and almost on time. Warm-Up Mosey around to the back of the school and circle up for imperial walkers, daisy pickers, arm circles, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and burpees. The Thang Mosey over to the building with the stairs and count off 1s and 2s. A few rounds of one group climbing the stairs while the other group alternates hand release merkins and monkey humpers. [Read More]

YHC is not above Qing for free stuff.

Free coffee cup indeed, but no coffee. Well for the second week in a row, PBX pre-blasted that The Green Mile needed a Q and whoever took the reigns would be the proud owner of a brand new F3 stainless steal coffee mug! Well, YHC loves coffee. And free stuff, so even though I’m tapering for the TRM next Saturday, I figured a little 90 minute bootcamp wouldn’t hurt anything. [Read More]

Oh my God! They Killed PBX

Preamble OK, everybody just calm the F down. PBX is fine. But there was a period of time where we didn’t know that. “What happened?” you ask? Here’s the way it went down. All statements herein have been verified by multiple sources. The morning began like any other Friday at Gran Torino. Elite EC runners at 0500 followed by a rag-tag group of blue collar EC runners at 0505. PBX was one of those blue collar guys, along with Biner, Water Wings, and YHC. [Read More]

Green wave at FOD...

Great morning at FOD – always a good crowd and fun men to be with! But holy crap the site-q’s are doing a terrible job keeping the pollen down…. couple of times it was tough to get the cadence out with a headfull of green dust. That however, did not slow down this fine crew of men! Here’s what happened according to my recollection… gather at the flag (someone mentioned it’s a bit short, but that’s not everything in life, right? [Read More]

Speedwork. Loop de LOOM (has wheels)

Several trips around the pickle to warmup. Backwards, side skip, karaoke, regular then warmup This idea is from F3 Lehigh Valley’s UPTOWN GIRL to work on speedwork. Break into groups of 2 groups of 3. On Davis Drive, each group jogs two lights poles while 1 member of group AYG to second light pole, returned to pax and continue to second pole. At pole, 10 leg kick Merkins*. Repeato till Waldo Rood Rd. [Read More]