GrowRuck 44: The Eleventh Hour

RALLY: We got to the rally and delivered our 3rdF donations while observing a trailer of telephone poles. Wonder what those could be for? YHC was amped up at the rally and just wanted to get into the ruck. It was good to meet the cadre and trainers, in advance, and hear them speak about the event and the expectations. I think it was here at the rally that I heard something that went through my mind all night, during the ruck, “He who knows his why, can endure almost any how. [Read More]

F3 Carpex 6th Annual CSAUP, The Odyssey

93 PAX and 2.0’s descended on Downtown Cary for the 6th annual CARPEX Odyssey. Special thanks to Bogo and Badlands for doing the heavy lifting on the Q for this event, and to PetSounds for crushing the SAG Q and post-race 2nd F. Also thanks to all of the SAG support volunteers, Site Q’s, shirt designers, and inspirational musical selections. On to the workout…Rooney kicked us off with an opening prayer and then handed it off to Badlands for the warmup at the home of BO. [Read More]

GrowRuck 32: Neptune's Adventure

Four pax from Carpex attended GrowRuck Training Event (GTE) 32 this past weekend, dubbed Neptune’s Adventure, hosted by F3 Hampton Roads. For three of us, this was our first GTE. GTEs are F3 leadership development events that are run by a cadre of volunteer pax at the national level who have gone through specific training programs (and are often former military and/or medical personnel) that help them design an experience meant to push men to the point of failure so that they can learn more about how to accelerate themselves, others, and the Pax, people, and regions back home. [Read More]

2022 May the 4th Be With You CARPEX Challenge

(This Backblast is long….) Pre-Thang A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Away…. May the 4th Be With You CARPEX Challenge It is chaotic times in galaxy. The Empire as fallen. The New Republic is moving fast to gain control of former Imperial facilities. Mon Mothma has charged the New Republic Eclipse Team travel to the planet Wayland, located in the Inner Rim, to lock down a former Imperial Research Facility. [Read More]

Hard like Beskar

Well. It’s been a week. After a rare day off work last Friday, and having such a blast with a spelling bee at Danger Zone, I remembered how fun it is to Q. You never realize how bad you are at being a Q until you don’t do it for a long time, then try to jump back in the ring. DZ was a little different; I had a plan, and willing pax, and it was an out-and-back…what could go wrong? [Read More]

No Fooling Around

23 Fools helped YHC celebrate 43 years. Following the welcome, disclaimer, and pledge we warmed up the hammies with some high kicks, butt kickers, and imperial walkers. We proceeded to Mosey with Bruisers continuing the butt kickers and high knees and runners taking a stroll around the new coffeteria location in Amberly. THANG 1: We warmed up with a series of exercises and stretches to get us ready for 7s on the hill with Copperhead Merkins at the top and monkey humpers at the bottom. [Read More]

2017 was 5 years ago?

It is hard to believe that 2017 was 5 years ago but alas here we are celebrating my 5 years of doing this thing we call F3. I am still not sure why I started in January since I really do not like cold but so glad I decided to join Crimson all those years ago. A little known fact is I did not start posting regularly until early March 2017 frequently using the too cold excuse. [Read More]

Back of the bus

Q-school time fellas. Showed up early enough to get the bricks out of the back. But not so early as to have to do it alone. Thanks Schroeder for the help. Having sat through Ma’s Q-school @ FOD earlier in the week, knew the focus today was going to be on putting things into practice. A group of eight for the main event - with a fly-through from HK - made it all just about perfect. [Read More]

Alright, Alright, Alright

AO: Dazed And Confused Workout Date: 08/13/21 Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) Number of The Beast in the front parking lot 2) Balls to the Wall, People’s Chair, and Australian Mountain Climbers on the wall by the school 3) Fives on the hill behind the parking deck. Squats and Star Jumps maybe? I took too long to write this Backblast and can’t remember [Read More]

'Sup dawg, 'Sup J.Lo, and other broga poses ICYMI

While running with the Travelling Circus, Pivot was saying how he hadn’t needed to Q-beg* the entire summer because BRR had brought out the inner Yogi in each of us. YHC thought we can’t let this momentum slip away; after all, there are numerous other races to be run†, not to mention slightly less running intensives adventures such as our very own CSAUP, The Odyssey coming up in a few short weeks! [Read More]