No Respect Monday

The crowd at Kryptonite this morning is trending to the younger side. We don’t even have Term Paper, although he is apparently identifying as a teenager these days. Thank goodness Staubach showed up or I might be the oldest guy here. A half dozen or so arrive early to run around for the EC while I arrive early to figure out exactly what we are going to be doing this fine morning. [Read More]

3 Months Away

We are officially three months away from BRR, and YHC isn’t in shape for that at the moment. Time to get to work. And on this insanely muggy morning we have 22 other HIMs with the same idea. One of them is not Francois, who is ducking this thing despite being a Site Q. No FNGs, although Free Solo is apparently back for workout #2. Pledge. A short mosey to the side parking lot and circle up for a warm up. [Read More]

The Magical Parking Lot

A few Southeast Cary guys agree to join me for this adventure, with Chipper and Oofda even showing up early for an EC run. They have vastly overestimated how long it will take to get to the other side of the world and are therefore able to enjoy an extra 15 minutes of stretching before we take off. No prior experience with an EC run here. But Google Maps is undefeated, so we find enough greenway to make it work. [Read More]