4 Years Later

A chilly morning was met by the pax who joined YHC in celebrating my 4th F3 Anniversary. YHC mentioned the disclaimer and with no FNGs in sight… we started with The Pledge.. then “start your devices” Mozy to the east entry intersection for warmups Good Mornings SSH Sir Fazios Hill Billys Overhead/Seal clap combo Mozy to Shelter/Parking Lot for Thang 1: Partner Up for Dora 100 Merkins 200 Squats 300 LBC [Read More]

Smoking the Smoky Mountain Relay 2022

For the first time, Carpex sent two 9-man teams to the Smoky Mountain Relay. Coincidentally, this was the first year that SMR had a 9-man division, and perhaps less coincidentally, the Carpex teams took 1st and 2nd place in that division. We’re going to cover a lot of ground in this backblast, from the teams, their experiences, the course, to a comparison with the perennial favorite Blue Ridge Relay (BRR), so buckle up, because this is going to be a bumpier ride than the “100% paved” abandoned Nantahala wilderness road of Leg 26! [Read More]

Decades Day 3: FOD 60's

YHC’s anniversary tour continues at Field of Dreams. Theme today is ‘60’s. Fantastic playlist in queue plus this is usually a well-attended AO, so especially excited for this one and arrived 30 min early to reacquaint myself to the site. Overflow had his earbuds in expecting a solo EC - he ended up joining YHC along with Sunshine and PBX for a couple miles - great mumblechatter as to be expected with 75% Steves. [Read More]

Promises of a Summer Body

Upon checking the Q sheet, YHC noticed no one grabbed Hells Bells. As Site Q, I could’ve pushed this to another PAX member but decided to step up and grab it. I’m still working on organizing a workout without the assistance of a winkie. Arriving at Cornerstone I noticed it was raining, I didn’t check the weather so whatever, gloomy is fine by my standards. Pulling out the bells the PAX started rolling in at 0520. [Read More]

West meets East

Men of Carpex, thank you for having us. We had a blast, and your mumble chatter game is truly second to none. Q - F3 GODRUSH’s Happy Meal and Bilbo 13 pax The Thing: Active warm-up: People’s chair w/ bat wings, copperhead squats, and alligator merkins. 11s on the grassy Hill. Bear crawl uphill, Scorpion Dry Docks (Cali kids legally can’t do Carolina Dry Docks in NC), crawl bear downhill, and Turkish get-ups. [Read More]

Alright, Alright, Alright

AO: Dazed And Confused Workout Date: 08/13/21 Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) Number of The Beast in the front parking lot 2) Balls to the Wall, People’s Chair, and Australian Mountain Climbers on the wall by the school 3) Fives on the hill behind the parking deck. Squats and Star Jumps maybe? I took too long to write this Backblast and can’t remember [Read More]

El Halfitan run club

Truly appreciate the guys who made it out this morning. Solid conversation throughout, with maybe the pause here and there on the climbs. Thanks for coming out. Route: start to Cary Pkwy east towards Evans zig/zag through Silver Creek development including one segment and one missed turn exist to Evans heading south right onto Maynard and all the way back to the start Official mileage is 5.7. New record. COT: [Read More]

On the nose

GT has few expectations. Those they do have include: 5K minimum No 10-counts Make sure Largemouth at least breaks a sweat Apparently recently a new one was added: Tell jokes They didn’t say they were funny. So I repeated by bacon tree joke from #PointBreak. Luckily there were no repeats from earlier in the week and I got a bit better on my delivery. Warm-up: Run to the gazebo at the roundabout. [Read More]

Shaken by Shakin'

AO: Shaken Not Stirred Workout Date: 07/07/21 I’ve always been confused by the spelling of Shakin Not Stirred on the f3carpex.com schedule. Obviously some type of 007 reference for the (James) Bond Park AO. As I tweeted out the night before, I could only think Shakin was an obscure reference to the classic Eddie Money song. You are correct, that does not make sense. I’ve posted Bond Park workouts a few times, but never at the anchor boot camp of Carpex’s former weekly convergence. [Read More]

Better late than never?

So admittedly, this is like a week and a half overdo, but here’s my backblast from my GT Q from 1/11. Full disclosure (as previously stated in my Green Mile BB) I am a sucker for free stuff. And I have a problem with the number of pairs of socks I own already, so with the opportunity of free socks, I jumped at that chance! Anyway, I was surprised to see the number of cars in the parking lot that Friday morning. [Read More]