Doras in the North

Here is a confession - I didn’t actually watch Game of Thrones until 2020. So I didn’t even know what Winterfell meant for a long time. I just knew it was somewhere near Virginia. But I am fired up to be Warden of the North for 45 minutes. My initial observation upon arrival is that it is actually colder here than when I departed South Cary. 9 are on time for the 0530 start. [Read More]

The Magical Parking Lot

A few Southeast Cary guys agree to join me for this adventure, with Chipper and Oofda even showing up early for an EC run. They have vastly overestimated how long it will take to get to the other side of the world and are therefore able to enjoy an extra 15 minutes of stretching before we take off. No prior experience with an EC run here. But Google Maps is undefeated, so we find enough greenway to make it work. [Read More]

Ragnarok Begins

YHC decided that to get a nighttime AO that works with his family schedule, he’d just do it himself. After working with region leadership and painstakingly convincing Mongoose to help me, we toured multiple potential sites and decided that Apex Community Park was the perfect balance of variability opportunity, location, accessibility and parking contingency (if the park is closed). We also wanted to make sure there were some 2nd F options available in the vicinity… which with Ruckus, Southern Peak Brewery, and Brewster’s bar nearby we’ll have some options! [Read More]