Downtown Double Dora

No FNG’s; No Disclaimer; Mission; Pledge Mosey to Fidelity Bank and Warm-Up. We had to double time to beat the train; we all made it. Little worried about Captain Kirk, but he was fine. Good Evenings Seal Claps/Moroccan Nightclub Imperial Walkers Mountain Climbers/Merkins/Calf stretch Thang 1: - Downtown Dora: 100 Merkins; 200 LBC’s; 300 Squats. Complete one at each stop - 1st Station: Baptist Church. Partner 1 on sidewalk, Partner 2 through the parking lot to Harrison Ave. [Read More]

Dora Blimps

A spectacular evening of mid-60 degree weather in January. And the rain had stopped. What more could you ask for. Warm-up Mosey w/ High knees, Butt kickers, and Left / right shuffles Circle Up for: SSH x15 Hillbillies x15 Sir Fazzio Arm Circles fwd x10 bwd x10 Seal Clap x10 Overhead Clap x10 Michael Phelps x10 Thing 1 BLIMPS around the campus (add a letter at each station: start/finish and corners)* [Read More]

Happy Birthday Whippersnapper

It was an honor to be at the original location of Coffee with Oofta, Joe with Joe this morning. I arrived to find the pax milling about in the gloom, including Bayonne’s father, Whippersnapper who I later learned was celebrating his 77th birthday in the gloom. Lots of time help for this Q who prefers to lead without wearing a watch. Oh well, 545 ish - and we were off for a quick lap and a circle for - GM, Hill billies, Mountain climbers, SSH, Sir Fazios and then off again to the pavilion. [Read More]

How Many Poles Are There Anyway?

A pax of 5 arrived in downtown Cary for another evening beatdown. So after the Pledge of Allegiance we were off and running. Skipper was rucking, so he blazed his own trail, and we’d meet back up with him at the end. With that we headed off to the parking lot just around the corner. Warmup: Good Evening SSH Sir Fasio Arm Circles forward and reverse Windmills Mtn. Climbers Thang 1: [Read More]

Brought To You By the Letter B

Arrived early to set up shelter for this week’s Iron Pax Challenge. It happens to be exactly 30 yards long so we are good to go. 8 pax in place with one on the way and we are off. Basic Warmup Killer Bs – Repeat the following 5 times Broad jump 10 yds 10 burpees, 10 bonnie blairs, 10 big boi situps Repeat 2x more Bear crawl back Total of 150 of each exercise, including 150 yds of Bear Crawls [Read More]

Can't Have Irkins Without Derkins

Pax of 5 met up for another Tuesday evening beatdown. It was a nice evening at that, though a little warm. We started off by running through the sections of the main parking lot, throwing in a little karaoke for good measure. Warm up: Good evening SSH Steve Erle Overhead, seal clap Calf stretch Plank Jacks Thang 1: 4 Corners around the parking lot with 10 reps of the following exercises in said corners: Carolina Dry Docks, American Hammers, Monkey Humpers, and Burpees. [Read More]

Rush Hour can be Pain(stick)ful(l)

It’s Tuesday night, which meant it was time for the finest evening 1st F AO in all of Carpex - Rush Hour! To truly make it Rush Hour, YHC strapped on my workout belt and blared some Rush tunes from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. One of the things you may not know about me is that I loved Rush when I was in middle school / high school, and I was a drummer, so I was always awed at the pure genius and precision of Neal Peart. [Read More]

Staring straight down 44

YHC has but few rules to live by. Love the Lord. Love your neighbor. Q on your birthday and your F3 anniversary. Maybe I’ve skipped a few between the second and third one on the list, but it was relevant on Saturday 8/10/2019 at Phoenix. A crowd of Q-shoppers gathered along with one FNG (brought out by Blind Date, whom I’d not met before), and we issued a brief disclaimer and Mission, and headed off to the Community Center. [Read More]

Eyes Up

I’m gonna be honest with you. Many Saturdays I take the opportunity to get a little extra sleep. This was a good workout week, which also means that the body is feeling a little sore by the time today rolled around. But, the opportunity to Q Phoenix was too much to pass up. So I managed to unfold myself from the fartsack and make it to Bond Park in plenty of time to get some stretching in. [Read More]

Accountability Revisited

Accountability - sign up for the Q slot after a long week out of town to ensure that you post. Accountability revisited - repeat of before, so why not repeat the workout. Hard to believe that we did this back in February 2018 the first time. There were several modifications though since was my first running Q after recovery and with Green Mile down the road our hi tempo guys had an additional option. [Read More]