bo bb

This was a tough day for sure. I’ll keep it limited an amplify the few things that are truly relevant: I’m thankful for Burt and his perpetual support of the PAX. Seeing that flag and the beer made my day. I’m thankful for Riptide. He was up early to let me know and not leave me hanging there. Great to see Foie Gras back after a devastating week. Here for you, man. [Read More]

Rush Hour in the Rain

I just realized while working on this backblast that Rush “Hour” is only 45 minutes. I’m sure I’m late to the party on that one… YHC is on a Q quest this year. I’d been toying with Qing in Carpex for a few weeks, but was hesitant to “break the seal”. Ragnarok was my first Carpex Q, but Rush Hour was the first Carpex Q that I scheduled (after The Trudge asked me to release this morning’s Q in Raleigh). [Read More]

We didn't start the fire...

…it was always burning, since the world’s been turning. It’s been 49 weeks since I last “officially” posted at an AO, March 20th 2020, with @Franklin at the helm at Gran Torino. Since that time, it’s been a helluva ride: Well, Covid, Black Lives Matter became a movement instead of just good damn common decency as humans Kim Jong Un died. Then didn’t Kanye West ran for president. Really, that happened. [Read More]

0.99 and some Wildlife Rescue

YHC arrived at Sovereign Grace church for a little ECP. No one there, except for me and 3 young raccoons stuck in a dumpster in 6 inches of standing water. First, not sure how anyone within a quarter mile could sleep with those raccoons crying as loud as they were. I put my pullups on hold a bit to investigate, and then the PAX started to arrive. Being that I like to stay on task, we continued to discuss and troubleshoot the situation during the workout. [Read More]

We did our part.

YHC & Chanticleer for a safe distance EC run The government (and FUMC) approved 9 PAX showed up for a community safe distance workout. **Warm-UP **We circled up for Good Mornings, Windmill, Steve Earle, Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, and Plank Jacks. Mosey through the parking lot with some Karaoke and backward running thrown in for fun. **The Thang **Perform called exercises, either OYO of IC. If you have to stop ort take a break you are “penalized” by running 3 parking spaces ahead, as often as you need to. [Read More]

Draw A Card!

Tuesday Morning at Claymore 5 pax gathered in the gloom to get in some good work. So, after a sort of awkward greeting (as we were not exactly sure what to do with our hands, or at least YHC wasn’t. For anyone reading this in the future, the world was dealing with Coronavirus) and a quick disclaimer we were off moseying over to the playground side of the parking lot. [Read More]

Pickle Madness

YHC had a plan - hit as many of the parking lot pickles as we could. After a brief walkthrough (and some pre-workout Pokemon GO), we were ready. FNG Check (nice save on the new PAX remembering his name from the day before) / Disclaimer / Pledge / Farewell to the Bruisers / FOLLOW ME Lap around the home pickle, out the south exit, turn back up Maury Odell, back trail to the Community Center. [Read More]