6 Years of F3: Motivation to Pick Up the 6 at Whiplash

6 pax for 3.5 mile EC run (Banana Seat, Banjo, Manram, Michelob, Midget for Life, Slater, Wonderbread) + 2 for EC to bridge and pull-ups (Chanticleer and Soul Glo) M.E., PUT6 with 19 pax for 13 stops over 5.5 miles (Strava Flyby) Warmup SSH, burpees, Imperial Walker, Good AM: After a ton of SSH, everyone was thankful for Regal Beagle arriving late, 10 penalty burpees at stop #1. Plank, pigeon, Windmill, Pigeon stretch Plank, Squats 5 squat jumps, 5 heismans left, 5 squat jumps, 5 heismans right 10 burpees, 2x # 5 above. [Read More]