A Little Something for Everyone

Ima be real honest here. DZ is not a site a frequent that often. It’s a damn haul from my house in the POGL. But in 2020, YHC is gonna do better about getting to sites that are not in my normal rotation. And since we’re being real here, that’s a pretty good problem to have here in Carpex. This thing is BLOWING UP! So after I barely made my connecting flight, I arrived at North Cary park with plenty of time to spare. [Read More]

We're playing basketball, we're playing basketball.

Date: 7/2/2019 PAX: Aristocrat, Cataracts, Frisco, My Cousin Vinny, Pickles, Press On, Willy Wonka, WWW Claymore is one of those AO that provides many options for a workout. As I listened to 43 feet the day prior with CSPAN speaking to Billy Bob from the F3 Columbia region. Billy Bob is the Nantan of the region. He was brought on to the pod-call-in to talk about lessons learned about being a Nantan of a region. [Read More]

Don't sweat the small stuff ... its all small stuff. If your 5 mins early, you’re late ... 5 secs to beatdown.

The day started out great. I awoke at 0415 for my normal father dooties (no pun intended). I took the youngest member of my family, our mixed breed dog, Ella for a morning walkabout. As I got home, my M was waiting for me stating something does not smell right. She was right. My littlest of all littlest, Ella made a mess in her kennel and I had to clean it up which now put me behind my schedule to ready myself for this morning’s beatdown. [Read More]