It adds up

EC Showed up a bit before 5:30 thinking that FOD was an early start time. Then remembered that FOD is old school. 5:45AM Start old school. Luckily Gump was in the parking lot just waiting to put on some more miles. The man finished his first marathon Sunday and he’s already looking for some EC?! Crazy. We got in a couple miles in ~15 minutes. I would have taken him back to the flag the long way but Gump talked me out of it. [Read More]

Green wave at FOD...

Great morning at FOD – always a good crowd and fun men to be with! But holy crap the site-q’s are doing a terrible job keeping the pollen down…. couple of times it was tough to get the cadence out with a headfull of green dust. That however, did not slow down this fine crew of men! Here’s what happened according to my recollection… gather at the flag (someone mentioned it’s a bit short, but that’s not everything in life, right? [Read More]

Missed Shots and Merkins

Field of Dreams. The name just conjures up so many positive thoughts. YHC has spent a lot of time in this park, not related to F3. Many baseball and softball games have been played/coached/umpired out here. And it’s a great site to move around and travel. So we’re going to do a low mileage, core-heavy, sorta March Madness themed workout. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, and disclaimer. Do a mosey lap around the parking lots. [Read More]

F.O.D. (Finally On-site, Da*#it)

Despite Bartman setting the bar pretty low for Site Qs (here), I still think I manage to limbo it more than hurdle it. Having missed the past two weeks at FOD due to illness and fartsackiness, I was on the hook for the Q today. Since, as the site Q, I was my own back-up, I kinda sorta had to show. I think there is a lesson here… Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-Up) [Read More]

Back Home Again

Thanks to the wizardry of @hotspot and his weekly Q summaries, I noticed that my beloved FOD had no Q for the week. Having just come off the TR run, it was time to get back on the Q wagon, and here was the perfect opportunity. Let’s see what Ma Bell dialed up on 3/27/18 First, @pbx and @skyblue and YHC ran in per our usual route, arriving in time for the customary fist bumps and pre-workout mumble chatter. [Read More]

Your mother was a hamster...

..and your father smelt of elderberries! Practice makes…better. So four days into this Q-stravaganza and YHC is still hanging on. Uncharted territory folks. Fortunately (for me) this came during Q swap week, so attendance has been maybe a little bit down in these other AOs compared to what it could be. (Read: less cats to herd). Whatever, I’ve enjoyed my time with all of you. Some of you were subjected to multiple days of YHC, and for that, I’m sorry. [Read More]

Perfect Form Burpee-cides

Apparently, all it takes to log some big numbers at an AO is to throw a gauntlet down on GroupMe…or the Twitters. But since I don’t tweet, or twit, someone must have helped spread the word. As I mentioned yesterday, one digital F3 communication format already overwhelms me. So, thanks ABB Kitty, Hi-Liter, Callahan, WKRP, and CI/6-pack/BurtLite/ChatEnforcer/Burt. That gentle buzz in my pocket that lets me know every three minutes that my job sucks relative to y’alls’ has become a welcome part of my day. [Read More]

Hey, There's Callie

Gloomy and humid after a much-needed rain the night before, 13 gathered in the semi-darkness of Thomas Brooks Park full of optimism and talk of seeing light at he end of the tunnel. Little did they know, that was an on-coming train - The Pain Train. With The Rolling Stone making its first appearance at FOD, 4 walked off into the gloom with sand bags and metal plates on their backs, while 9 did this: [Read More]

Happy Birthday Swim Goose

Yep, the long 49 year is over and I’m bludgeoning my way into Respect territory (none collected, but hope to earn some over time!) 16 PAX assembled in the unfathomably humid but not so gloom…since TOC thoughtfully lit the baseball field for YHC’s birthday! (Proper) Warm-Up Lap around the parking lot, 50 SSH, 10 Windmill, 10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles F/R, 15 Mountain Climbers Thang 1 - Partners - Dora 123 - Merkins/LBC/Squats alternating partners w laps around the parking lot [Read More]

The Death Parking Lots

9/5/2017 This was a co-Q with Free bird and Nature Boy today at FOD. Driving into the Q it was apparent we were really close to a full moon, so hopes were high. Upon further review, it was only 99% full on a waxing gibbous. (Full moon on September 6th) I don’t pretend to know anything about the phases of the moon but I knew if that was my intro, some useful facts may be beneficial. [Read More]