Wow, things are changing around here

I had the honor today to Q at the still relatively new Hot for Teacher - just minutes away from where i used to live about 10 years ago. Although I drive by here frequently, I can’t believe the development… oh well - its 530 - off we go. Oh wait - FNG - just for grins - i had Nature Boy do the disclaimer - (well worth it). I do hope that FNG Bobby Boucher does return…. [Read More]

My Buddy & Me

On Tuesday, YHC examined the Q-sheet for Bounty Hunter and noticed no one had signed up to lead the beatdown this week. I hadn’t Q’d in a while, other than the Sharknado co-Q with Rooney, so I decided to pick it up. 16 pax showed up. I Pity the Fool was already drenched from an EC run. Orphan ran in from Shepherd’s Vineyard and Bad Company and Scorpion King ran up Hunter Street. [Read More]

Return of the Sharknado

24 Pax gathered round the flag at the Skate Park to join Rooney & Imp for the quarterly fitness test known as the Sharknado. Water Wings began the tradition and it was carried on by Parker and GTL. Now Rooney and Imp are your site Q’s at BH so the tradition will continue. After the disclaimer was given, we moseyed over to Apex Town Hall. Warm Up - Rooney led us in 15x SSH, 7x Good AM’s, 15x Mountain Climbers, 5x Burpees OYO, 5x Diamond Merkins, 5x WW2 Sit Ups, 5x Standard Merkins, & 5x Scorpion Dry Docks [Read More]

Sour Mashed 11

11 Lucky souls began in the Lion’s Den and unleashed on the hollowed grounds of St. Mary’s After the pledge and quick warm-up that included some running and stretching we headed out on Apex BBQ for a quick loop and back to the soccer field. We cashed-in with 5 burpees OYO and headed out to the field for our first round: 7’s including LBC’s and Carolina Docs with 20 lunge steps to and fro. [Read More]