5 Years of F3 Sn2Fe Style

As many eye rolls and sighs of exasperation YHC received last night for, arguably, emphasizing the “DA” in HIDA with this Q, it was gonna happen. Not to get all sappy with y’all but there is very little I can say I have been doing - and loving - for five years and running. Yes, the 1st brings us out but truly it is the 2nd that keeps us coming … and growing … and building off each other. [Read More]

What happens in the Blind, doesn't stay in the Blind

This morning was another chilly day…there were plenty of sleeves at post time 0530. Some of those sleeves came off as we got warmed up, others didn’t. We’re in a weird spot right now CARPEX…beautiful days and chilly mornings. Today’s highlight (or lowlight depending on how you look at it) was literally hearing every hunting story Bubba has ever had. I feel like he lives in his blinds…and apparently drains entire lakes of their frogs for his witches brew he concocts. [Read More]

Runner's Arms Fixed Here

Sick and tired of being made fun of by Flip Flop, a few runners took a break from The Maynard to work on some other muscles. However, runner or not, today’s workout pushed everyone a little out of their comfort zone **Warm-Up **Circle up for some Good Mornings, Windmills, Steve Earles, Arm Circles **Thang One **With everyone standing in a circle I called out exercises to be completed for 1 minute OYO (w/30-second recovery), except for those standing in front of the fun toys I brought. [Read More]

Just a bunch of Divas at Claymore

32 days between posts built a lot of pressure up to make my VQ legit. I’m biting off Qs every day for the next week and wanted to start it off the right way. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to get back to work with the boys (insert TOP GUN volleyball scene gif “here”). All I could hope for today were motivated HIMs, great weather, no car trouble, and some exhausted looks at the end of the workout…of those wishes, at least I got some beautiful foggy/muggy weather to work with! [Read More]

0.99 and some Wildlife Rescue

YHC arrived at Sovereign Grace church for a little ECP. No one there, except for me and 3 young raccoons stuck in a dumpster in 6 inches of standing water. First, not sure how anyone within a quarter mile could sleep with those raccoons crying as loud as they were. I put my pullups on hold a bit to investigate, and then the PAX started to arrive. Being that I like to stay on task, we continued to discuss and troubleshoot the situation during the workout. [Read More]

No excuses

This week has been crazy. I am a day late in writing my backblast. Monday I found out one of my work friends died over the weekend. My volunteer work has picked up. Deadlines in my day job. And yet Crimson brought up the fact that Tortoises didn’t have a Q and I felt compelled to put my name on this Q sheet. I did not really plan the workout. I did not have the time to do it. [Read More]

Why run when you can bear crawl....

When @Sooey proposed the idea of YHC taking on the open Q spot at Tortioses, the initial thought was “what about this nagging, lingering knee injury”. The closer it got to Wednesday, YHC jumped in “just because”. The spousal unit, aka the M, said “You complain constantly about your knee at home and you are going to Q? What are you thinking? Why are you doing this?” YHC had no viable response other than “just because @Sooey asked me to”… It was going to be a knee friendly workout to not cause further damage. [Read More]