Return of the Deck

The evening finally came for the grand reopening of Carpex’s original evening AO, and it felt so good to be back! 10.5 pax came out to get their beatdown on. (because two 2.0s=1.5… which kept us “under the 10” mark) …ok fine it was 11 overall, but who’s counting? Either way, it was a big crowd for Rush Hour. And it was awesome to see! Ok, with that out of way, YHC started off with the mission statement and the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

A Flock of Seagulls and a Bigger Pickle

When Yoga Mat invokes Flock of Seagulls and Monty Python in the pre-blast everyone knows that the actual workout will never live up. But we’re all here so let’s give it a shot. We have an FNG so a full disclaimer and mission statement are delivered. The Pledge and we’re off. Warmup: Mosey a while and end up in a well lit parking lot within sight of our friends at Crossfit: [Read More]

A Long Stiffness

16 PAX braved the second darkest AO in all of Carpex to see if YHC could really cause them all a long stiffness. EC was a plenty, as YHC was tricked into 3+ miles at around an 8 min pace. There were no FNGs, the disclaimer was given, and the pledge was recited. Warm Up Gassed from the long and fast EC, YHC decided to have the PAX circle up immediately for the following exercises: [Read More]

Eight Years

I had to de-commit from a BH Halloween Q, so I scooped up this FWD Q toward the end of last week. Knew it was going to be sandwiched between a late night return from being DR and an insane week at work, but the importance around the day itself made committing to this make sense… FNG Check - F3 Mission Statement - Disclaimer - FOLLOW ME! Down into the park and around the far pickle. [Read More]

MiL loves her new Condo

Well, there goes my last excuse, time to ring that second bell. Warm-up 20 HIMs mosey through the balls. YHC thought to cause some chaos in people’s days by skipping the good mornings, but reflex took over and everyone got their good morning before arms circles and perfectly led seal claps. Thang 1 Tired of feeling the threat of dropping a rock on YHC’s head, we hit the rock pile first for three rounds of overhead presses, dollar bill pickups, and ruh-rows. [Read More]

Stetson Original

YHC had the opportunity to do my VQ at the AO where I started F3 nearly one year ago. I planned my workout on paper, used google maps to count light poles, drove through the office complex parking lot a few times, so I felt ready up until I got to the parking lot for the main event. Then my nerves got the best of me and I botched the mission and tried to say the Pledge of Allegiance in cadence and forgot the disclaimer for the FNG. [Read More]

Start with a Theme, End with a Cluster

I hadn’t Q’d a workout in a while and a slot opened up at FWD so I thought, ”why not”. Well, after a week of backpacking and a week of healing from backpacking, I was feeling a bit off this morning. But hey, how bad can it be? It can be bad. I rolled into the parking lot and the trunk of my car wouldn’t open. So, the flag was there, it just wasn’t up. [Read More]

What do they call it when you dedicate part of a Q to a guy who doesn't show up?

In jest only, as McCants was called to remain on the home front, but YHC did set out to dedicate a portion of the beatdown to the one and only, PJ “McCants” Puryear. On what is the calendar date of YHC’s 1-year F3 Carpex Anniversary, I had to grab the Q spot at Carpex’s premier AO in downtown Cary on a Thursday morning. 22 are here, 20 for the beat-down and 2 with sacks of rice on their shoulders. [Read More]

Slippery When Wet... more like Star Wars Workout

I mean the AO has SW right in its initials. Too easy. Preblast Playlist After emerging from the gloom to the Imperial March, an FNG check resulted in all experienced PAX. Let’s go! Run over toward the greenway. Circle up in the lot for the warmup: 25 SSH 20 IW 15 Tempo Merkins 10 Hillbillies WELCOME TO DAGOBAH. Partner up. Luke will carry Yoda to the baseball field. Flipflop as many times as needed. [Read More]

A perfectly timed downtown workout (well, except for the ruckers)

After a quick disclaimer to the FNG, 15 Pax departed FUMC at promptly 5:45:01. Three ruckers went on their way. Jogged up to the bank plaza (where the new spotlights can burn through your soul) for a typical warmup (SSH, IWs, etc.), losing Callahan in the process. Jog to the south corner of Academy and Ambassador Loop to partner up. Ascending Burpee Catch-me-if-you-can around the loop to the parking garage. Riptide offered the opportunity to use the sleds, but YHC eased the minds of the concerned Pax by politely declining. [Read More]