It was quite Beige in the heart of Bradfords Ordinary

19 pax show up, everyone in one of Becky’s freshly pressed TT’s, no FNGs, gloves not required. Straight vanilla., or beige? 7 Rubberbands follow Angry Elf for stretching. The remaining 12 BOs head to the bank to warmup with various stuff. In plank position, Burt is called on …….. ? And he calls calf stretches. Yeah we were all thinking the same thing, waiting for it to sink in. Really? Shaking away the cobwebs, gathering his wits, he then has us going into a progression of calf stretches, merkins, and …. [Read More]

I Just Googled “Most Repetitive Songs”

Pre-Blast 11 rocked out at #ao-thurs-bo. There was some discussion about Puck’s ‘stache. @Burt has an off-site meeting today at 2:30. To prepare for today, YHC just Googled “Most Repetitive Songs” The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the CFB parking lot. Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, Sir Fazio Series, Calf Stretches, Diamond and WG Merkins. Run to the end of the lot and back. The Thangs [Read More]