Truly This Is the Way

So I have this reoccuring nightmare where I wake up and Term Paper is–wait, Smokey told me not to use real names–so where “John Marriott” is–wait, Smokey said I can’t benefit from any therapy until my check clears. We’ll get back to the nightmare later. Suffice it to say that whenever I run into “John Marriot” at a workout I make sure I am not dreaming by pinching him. In my nightmare, “John” has a high pitched voice and sounds like a smurf getting their tail pulled when you pinch them. [Read More]

Remember the Alamo

The Alamo fell on March 6, 1836 after a 13 day seige. To commemorate the anniversary of the day, 16 PAX remembered the Alamo. We started with the Pledge and then moseyed in pairs up the road to the top of the parking garage where we circled up. Warm up - 13 reps of SSH, Hill Billy, Arm circles, plank jacks, merkins. Thang 1: The Blockade Runner relay with two lines down the length of the parking lot. [Read More]