Bridge Fun for my Anny #3!

I have an easy F3 anniversary date to remember – May the 4th be with you! Thanks to my man, Flacco for bringing me out! Speaking of Flacco, he’s doing the Murph-A-Day in May – wondering if I may be able to help him out…. Anyway, he’s what happened at FWD this fine morning: Gather at the flag, have everyone pair up with a Get Better Buddy – accountability partner for the day, Flacco brought us Star Wars props so we were instructed to pass along the lightsaber during the workout, jog to the pickle for a quick warm up – set of good mornings, then we are off to the rock pile. [Read More]

BOMBS Over Waverly

As tax day began, we had a handful of ECers run the lake loop and we all met back at the flag for an ontime start. No FNGs, so we recited the pledge of allegiance and took off towards the Duke Health parking lot. Warmups: Good mornings, calf stretches, standard merkins and plank jacks. The Thang: B.O.M.B.S. were in order - we partnered up……Partner 1 started the exercises: B = 50 Burpees, O = 100 Overhead Claps, M = 150 Merkins, B = 200 Boxcutters, and S = 250 Squats. [Read More]

BLIMPS and stairs

Back at the beginning of the year, YHC went through and signed up to Q roughly every 3 weeks or so just to make sure he was practicing his leadership skills on the Pax of Carpex. He had totally forgot about today’s Q (until he went to add a Q on Friday to his calendar) but with the re-opening of Carpex this week, there’s no better time to Q anyway! [Read More]

Under The Wire

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. [Read More]

Hundreds on Hundreds

Twas a beautiful morning at FWD as 18 pax gathered for a beatdown. YHC has made it a goal to Q a lot more this year, so this was the first of several more to come! So, after the disclaimer and the F3 mission statement was given to our FNG, we recited the Pledge of Allegiance and were off. Warmup: After running around to the far part of the parking lot, we circled up for: [Read More]

The Island Hopping Switchahoo

Wahoo got a little over zealous training for the BRR and hurt his foot. He asked that I swap Q’s for Point Break with him (3/4 for 3/11). Since it was about time to shave my winter beard, I decided there was no need to update the Q sheet. I borrowed Wahoo’s shirt with “Wahoo’s Fish Tacos” on it and showed up. I really liked a rock suicide workout that Term Paper did a few weeks ago. [Read More]

Blockade Runner

YHC doesn’t Q that often, so when I saw an opening at Point Break, I jumped on it! Pickles was supposed to have his b-day Q, but things happen, so YHC signed up and dreamed up a new exercise to experiment with on the PAX. The morning started with YHC dropping off a couple of cinder blocks at a large parking lot behind the New Waverly Place office building. Same building where my dentist’s office is located so you know I had pain on my mind already. [Read More]