Learning Portuguese

Big crowd this morning, fortunately there were more bells than pax. Two or three pax with an EC run, plus Kwik Stop for EC tire flippin'. Warm-Up Lap around the parking lot and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, copperhead merkins and squats, control freak good mornings. The Thang Tabata, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, four rounds, four sets, four exercises, with a lap between each round. [Read More]

Starting 11

Who would have imagined how closely today’s Hell’s Bells would mirror Poland’s sorry game against what should have been a lowly Slovakia? But I suppose it was meant to be when the work out proceeded in a manner so similar to the game itself. Here’s how it went down. Pre-game: National anthems were sung and close-ups of millionaires mouthing the words were shown. Most of those on the pitch were born-and-bread representatives of their countries but, much like the Portuguese coach of the Polish team, some are foreign born. [Read More]

Runner's Arms Fixed Here

Sick and tired of being made fun of by Flip Flop, a few runners took a break from The Maynard to work on some other muscles. However, runner or not, today’s workout pushed everyone a little out of their comfort zone **Warm-Up **Circle up for some Good Mornings, Windmills, Steve Earles, Arm Circles **Thang One **With everyone standing in a circle I called out exercises to be completed for 1 minute OYO (w/30-second recovery), except for those standing in front of the fun toys I brought. [Read More]

Yesterday's mission, today!

Last week I was in a COP with Repeato, and somehow Chumbawumba’s earworm Tubthumping came up. He said “oh yeah, you can do burpees to that song.” It inspired me to cook up a Q where we did the three musically-synced workouts that immediately come to mind. I figured my birthday Q would be a good time to debut this. I was a little aggressive on the “filler material” yesterday, and we only got one song in, much to Hotspot’s disappointment. [Read More]

It Was All Cauliflower's Idea

Picasso is credited with saying, “good artists borrow, great artists steal”. Whether Picasso coined that phrase is under debate, but I believe the sentiment to be true. I got this idea from Cauliflower at Rush Hour and expanded on it a bit. Started with the pledge and mosey. Warm Up Good Mornings Elevator Merkins Imperial Walkers Runner’s Stretch Sir Fazio Forward Seal Claps Sir Fazio Reverse Only Thang All PAX grabbed a bell and a cinder block. [Read More]

A hill 'o beans

Twice as many reps as beans in a can. Introduction For some reason Frisco’s pre-blast was reminiscing about the time he watched Casablanca whilst eating cold baked beans from a tin, washing them down with a cocktail of absinthe and Dr. Pepper. However, interesting fact, the workout I planned had approximately twice as many reps in it as there are beans in a standard can. So, remarkably on point. [Read More]