Making Tortoises Great Again

Approximately 4 years ago, after months of EH’ing by CHiPs from South Wake, YHC made his F3 debut at the premier Wednesday limited run AO in all of Carpex. I say approximately because there is no backblast for the workout. But it was the 2nd Wednesday in August, if my feeble 51 year old memory is doing me any favors today. It was rough. Yogi had the Q and I’m pretty sure I coded at least twice during the workout. [Read More]

The Lord Provides

The last few weeks at Hell’s Bells has been great as we’ve been pushing 20+ PAX several times. The issue this creates is we are always on the edge of having enough bells, and the site Q’s (Lindy and I) are working on getter more bells (Send Money to Lindy’s Venmo @Joeldangerfield if you can help, $5 goes a long way). Fortunately, the Lord always provides, this time in the form of cinder blocks. [Read More]

Frisco FOMO

YHC and site Q had the pleasure of leading the group on the last Hells Bells of 2019. By the end of this week it will be my 1 year anniversary with F3. I couldn’t thank this group enough for how much this has meant to me to be a part of Carpex. With my 1.0 in town for Christmas and a member of F3 Cleveland, I knew I had to bring my A game this morning. [Read More]

Thank you for your [Carpex] leadership [challenge]

Here’s a dang shame, but one I’m HIM enough to admit: it took me until this morning to post at Hells Bells, and I showed up to check a box for the Carpex leadership challenge. But in the process, I fell in love with one of the finest got danged AO’s in all of Carpex. Seriously, this place is the cat’s PJs. YHC, Snots and Yahoo… or was it Wahoo… I never know… took off for some EC. [Read More]

Last Day before Hell’s Bells moves to a church parking lot

Opening – There was no FNGs this morning so ran through the pledge, grabbed our bells and off to the circle. Warm-up – SSH, daisy pickers, windmills, calf stretch, and Abe Vigodas. The Thang – circle up for 10 reps each side of overhead single arm squats, followed by 10 reps each side of plank rows, followed by 15 reps pullover to sit-up. Mosey to circle and back. Circled back up for Australian pushups, half-kneeling halos, and T-pushups. [Read More]

A Whippersnapper Steals the Show

YHC turned 50 on 6/7/2019, the date of this workout (yes the Backblast is late). Half a century on this fine earth and feeling all the better for it! After a truncated EC run with a few of the regulars, 26 of us circled up for the pledge and a Birthday Q. Warm-up Quick jog around the lot, then circle up for Good Morning, some Side Straddle Hops, a sloppily Q’d set of Hillbilly’s and some Michael Phelps style arm stretches. [Read More]

Like a Bat out of Hell

This YHC celebrates a 1 year anniversary with a Bells Q right where it all started. Enough about that! My playlist was off this morning not knowing the entire Meatloaf family would make up for a 1/3 of the morning PAX. Once the Meat wagon arrived we began on-time as always. Disclaimer, Pledge and of we went about 6 feet away. Morning Warm-ups included KB Hamstring Stretch, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio counter and clock with some seal claps. [Read More]

Bunch of Half-Dead Romanians (Friday, May 3rd)

SWW remains one of my favorite AO’s and with the stash of CMU’s (Cinder Blocks) acquired by Bayonne….it’s even more versatile! I try to keep most of my workouts to fairly high-tempo, constant movement type stuff, and I also try to ensure we hit at least one lesser-used muscle group. Today was no different and the targeted lesser muscles were the back and hamstrings. 25 HIM’s showed up to see what was in store, and I’m not one to disappoint! [Read More]

Tortoises musical beat down!

I couldn’t have asked for a better morning to host my first Q, along with Squatters help. We did have an FNG, so the pledge was recited, F3 Mission and disclaimer. The only running of the morning was a quick mosey around the lot and then circled up for our warm-ups. Warm-Ups Side Straddle Hops Good Morning Abe Vigoda Cotton Picker The Thang #1 Bearway to Heaven- bearcrawl 2 parking lot spaces followed by 7 burpees, mosey back to start line, bearcrawl 4 parking lot spaces followed by 6 burpees, continue until 0 burpees remain. [Read More]

Y2K was not the best decade for music

Rain threatened, but we did not care. 23 HIMs strode into the gloom to do battle with ourselves and be AWESOME! There were no FNGs. The mission, disclaimer, and pledge were recited. We moseyed to the green way parking lot for warm-ups. Warm-ups Side Straddle Hops Good Mornings Cotton Pickers (my hammies were really tight) Sir Fazio Arm Circles Merkins Calf Stretches Thang One We ran through the darkness of the green way heading for the bridge. [Read More]