Finishing second still feels like a win

The Mike Fiorito Race for Second Place (MFRFSP) is a backyard ultra brought to you by Carpex’s finest ultra running shield lock, the Beige Bros. The goal is to reach 100 miles in 1 week by completing: 5 miles per day for 5 days Monday-Friday leading up to the main event 75 miles in a single day, Saturday, by completing a 5k at the start of each hour for 24 hours (0000-2300) You can run, ruck, or walk. [Read More]

2022 May the 4th Be With You CARPEX Challenge

(This Backblast is long….) Pre-Thang A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Away…. May the 4th Be With You CARPEX Challenge It is chaotic times in galaxy. The Empire as fallen. The New Republic is moving fast to gain control of former Imperial facilities. Mon Mothma has charged the New Republic Eclipse Team travel to the planet Wayland, located in the Inner Rim, to lock down a former Imperial Research Facility. [Read More]

Circles on the Green

AO: Gran Torino Workout Date: 07/30/21 I got to witness Gran Torino from afar when I Q’d Rolling Stone back in May. Those fellas got in some serious mileage just doing laps in the parking lot. I’ve been putting off my Q, waiting until I was “ready.” How many times have we said/heard that at F3? I was originally scheduled to Q Crazy Ivan today but got unintentionally bumped off the Q Sheet there for Q Swap Week. [Read More]

On the nose

GT has few expectations. Those they do have include: 5K minimum No 10-counts Make sure Largemouth at least breaks a sweat Apparently recently a new one was added: Tell jokes They didn’t say they were funny. So I repeated by bacon tree joke from #PointBreak. Luckily there were no repeats from earlier in the week and I got a bit better on my delivery. Warm-up: Run to the gazebo at the roundabout. [Read More]

Better late than never?

So admittedly, this is like a week and a half overdo, but here’s my backblast from my GT Q from 1/11. Full disclosure (as previously stated in my Green Mile BB) I am a sucker for free stuff. And I have a problem with the number of pairs of socks I own already, so with the opportunity of free socks, I jumped at that chance! Anyway, I was surprised to see the number of cars in the parking lot that Friday morning. [Read More]

Starting 11

Who would have imagined how closely today’s Hell’s Bells would mirror Poland’s sorry game against what should have been a lowly Slovakia? But I suppose it was meant to be when the work out proceeded in a manner so similar to the game itself. Here’s how it went down. Pre-game: National anthems were sung and close-ups of millionaires mouthing the words were shown. Most of those on the pitch were born-and-bread representatives of their countries but, much like the Portuguese coach of the Polish team, some are foreign born. [Read More]

TP flyby

Today was really all about the warm up. And the fly-by. But more on that one bit later. First the warm-up. Rolled into Cornerstone church several minutes early and took a run over to the cemetery for some hill. Singular. Back just in time to grab the speaker, turn on some NIN radio, and greet the crew. No FNGs. Two FNG2M. Never met them before. Glad to know Jeter and Charmin. [Read More]

There's Bears Back There

It was good for YHC to return to FMJ. The guys that were there the only two other times YHC posted there, and Q’d know the routine. Run towards the track,, stop for 10 Good Mornings (IC) 10 Butt Kickers (IC) 10 Calf Stretch (Hold L/Hold R) 10 Hill Billies (IC) 10 Hackeysacks (IC) 10 Cossak Stretch (a.k.a Hey Hey Willy) (IC) 10 King David Kick (IC) Proceed to the track [Read More]

Redemption. And socks

It’s easy to become complacent. And get in a rut. We all do that from time to time. Do you ever find yourself only posting at the same AOs, week after week? Well, then weeks turn into months. A few things were in play that led YHC to grab the Q for Gran Torino for May 28. First of all, I’d not Q’d this workout since last year. In fact I hadn’t been here in months. [Read More]

Oh my God! They Killed PBX

Preamble OK, everybody just calm the F down. PBX is fine. But there was a period of time where we didn’t know that. “What happened?” you ask? Here’s the way it went down. All statements herein have been verified by multiple sources. The morning began like any other Friday at Gran Torino. Elite EC runners at 0500 followed by a rag-tag group of blue collar EC runners at 0505. PBX was one of those blue collar guys, along with Biner, Water Wings, and YHC. [Read More]