DBB, Frisco

Q: Doogie PAX: Doogie, Frisco, MIA, Simmons With Carpex Culture month coming up I thought I would temporarily dust off an F3 tradition that has fallen by the wayside in our explosive growth: the Back-Blast. Yes I know those robot-generated things we use now have their uses, but sometimes I miss the full fledged, Take-a-seat-on-the-groan-throne-because-this-is-Frisco-Back-Blasts of yesteryear. —— Typically, the Q writes a Back Blast for a workout but since today that was Doogie and—as they say in Med school, “C = M. [Read More]

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

And it was ushered in by perfect gloom temps of approximately 68 degrees. For the PAX who decided to wake up this morning and head to the most galactic of AOs in all of Carpex this side of Tatooine, not only were they greeted with amazing weather, they got to start their day with a beatdown of collegiate football caliber (kind of). After all, with college football kicking off today, it was only fitting (and YHC always leads at least 2 football-themed beatdowns per season to commemorate summer camp season and kickoff). [Read More]


There was a disturbing abundance of sleeves at the skate park this morning. Warm-Up Mosey over to the Town of Apex parking lot and circle up for hillbillies, daisy pickers, arm circles, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and burpees (one for each untanked pax). The Thang Mosey over to parking lot behind the building with the stairs on the sides. 5 hand release merkins, 5 squats, 5 LBCs and trip up and down the stairs. [Read More]

What R* We Doing???

A few weeks back I got the notion that it was time to Q at Bounty Hunters and take advantage of Site Q IPTF’s fantastic swag offer, the coveted Bounty Hunter decal. I looked out, synced up calendars, and found a June 3rd opening (May 4th was already snagged :( ). This was right after @Flenderson and @Hotspot’s fantastic May Hill Climb Challenge had finished, and after the Maynard 100 earlier in the month. [Read More]

F3 Dads - 4/20/19

PAX: 2.0: WII, Swish, Taby, Sully, Chase, Little Bear, South Paw, Everest, Crosscheck FNK: Taylor (Mia), Gracie (Twinkle Toes), Micah (Neymar), Jacob (Sprocket), Ava (Finch), Aidan (Half Back), Tierney (Snacker), Adilyn (Blades) Dads: Chipper, Stolpinski, Doogie, Build-a-Bear, Michael (FNG), Norwood, Grease Monkey, Repeato, Peeping Tom, Prodigal, WWW Q’ing an F3 Dads workout was a first for me. It was actually a fun experience and I’d definitely Q again. I learned a lot which I think would help those who try to Q an F3 Dads: [Read More]