Unconventional Teaser

Four pax, asystole, ma bell, Mercy Me, banjo for another unconventional teaser. MercyMe is running 10 minutes late. Asystole returns from his extra credit and the remaining pax gather and head over to the front of city hall for typical warm-up. Jog back to the flag, stopping at the handrail for 10 slow count Australian pull ups. Pick up Mercy Me, 10 more Australian pull-ups, and jog to the train track rock pile for an extra large ego Rock; 10 cc curls and 10 rock Rows. [Read More]

Dueling Banjo 2/2

3 pax at Rush Hour June 13, 2017. Asystole, Mercy Me [tardy or not?], YHC Banjo and visitor John for about 15 minutes Dueling Banjo 2/2 Again deadly weapons left behind, Cary has an issue within the city; we attacked, no destroyed that sedate city lifestyle. Jog to Cary Arts Center, 5 rounds of 10 Merkins, 10 Dips. Recover with spider monkeys on the rails. Time caught up with us, Asystole ducks his head in the fountain and then we take a fast jog back to the flags. [Read More]

Big Numbers of Little Pax - F3 Dads

60 Dads And 2.0s Posted for the First 2017 F3 Dads [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxtRgs-zGws?rel=0] YHC didn’t know what to expect when it was preblasted out to have an F3 Dads event in Carpex. Even leading up to final prep last night after the wicked thunderstorm (making a few audibles) I had ballparked it at about 24-30 total… Shows how much I know! It was AWE - SOME! I’m so proud to be a part of this group of F3 PAX. [Read More]

Park Day

With project weeks coming at me at breakneck pace, I’m having to fit posts in where I can. Seeing an open Q at Rush Hour Tuesday afternoon, I had a chance to squeeze in a workout between work at work and work at home. As you know, I lean toward covering some ground. TOC has some real estate that I hadn’t seen before, so a consult of Google Maps helped me plot a course. [Read More]