We'll take it from here, Cardinal

Early Thursday morning, YHC was stirring and came across the news of young Taylor Phelps, F3 Cardinal, out of Knoxville TN, who had horribly passed away during his Virgin Q (VQ) at a workout on 1/11/23. For Thursday’s workout, I incorporated one small element of his planned workout, 15 double count Freddy Mercury’s. We did them at the very end of our workout, and after the workout was over, I shared that his planned workout looked extremely hard, and I would be hesitant to try it. [Read More]

Kettlebell & Coffee on a Monday Morning!

Looking to wrap up the year stronger than I started I felt it was time to lift heavy things with a group of 23 others HIM. That along with the promise for some trunk coffee and perhaps the need to check off a few last boxes brought me out to Hells Bell’s this AM YHC gave disclaimer, searched for FNGS and with non present we started with the pledge then mozy the pickle and starting with [Read More]


Date: 11/17/2021 13 posted at #ao-wed-tortoisess We had no HIM step up to sign up and Q on the Q Sheet. So, I being the Site Q called a Cluster Q. What’s awesome about this format is everyone working out gets the opportunity to work on calling out the exercise, calling out the cadence, and leading the men through it (mini Q School). Also, the PAX has no clue what their Brother is going to call until they call it. [Read More]

So You Say There's a Parking Deck?

There’s really no reason I’ve not been to Dazed and Confused is a few months. So when I was looking at the Q sheet early this week and noticed a gap for Friday, decided to jump in there. Almost immediately, I heard from Mama’s Boy. Apparently he was watching the Q sheet as well. I figure the excitement he was expressing was almost certainly his feeble attempt at reverse psychology. Nevertheless, I’m not taking my name off now. [Read More]

Making Tortoises Great Again

Approximately 4 years ago, after months of EH’ing by CHiPs from South Wake, YHC made his F3 debut at the premier Wednesday limited run AO in all of Carpex. I say approximately because there is no backblast for the workout. But it was the 2nd Wednesday in August, if my feeble 51 year old memory is doing me any favors today. It was rough. Yogi had the Q and I’m pretty sure I coded at least twice during the workout. [Read More]

Learning Portuguese

Big crowd this morning, fortunately there were more bells than pax. Two or three pax with an EC run, plus Kwik Stop for EC tire flippin'. Warm-Up Lap around the parking lot and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, copperhead merkins and squats, control freak good mornings. The Thang Tabata, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, four rounds, four sets, four exercises, with a lap between each round. [Read More]

It Was My Understanding

AO: Slippery When Wet Workout Date: 06/04/21 I really prefer to post a new AO before Qing, but it doesn’t always happen. In these cases I perform due diligence, verifying the workout format and scoping out the AO on Google Maps. According to the F3 Carpex website, Slippery When Wet is a standard boot camp. Warm Up: Give the mission statement, check for FNGs (1), give the disclaimer, and warm up: [Read More]

Lions and tires and bars, oh my!

It’d been a hot minute since YHC had Q’d something besides EC broga (Fridays 0515 @Dante’s Peak) so a limited run AO seemed like the perfect way to ease back into things. Plus I found out at my last Hell’s Bells post that we had not 1 but 3 tires tucked away onsite, so an idea was formed…possibly one better left as an idea, but more on that later. Warm-a-rama Good morning, on up & down, x5 TIE Fighters Fwd, Seal claps, TIE Fighters Rev, OH claps IC x10 each Low squat hold and side-to-side toe taps, IC x10…not sure if this move has a name, what about a Penguin squat? [Read More]

Crawlbear Kettlebell Backtracking

YHC hadn’t Q’d a kettlebell workout before, but the pressure was lifted when I learned that neither Site Qs Triple Lindy or Wahoo would be there. YHC brought the keurig and Theismann brought the flag, we were all set. No FNGs, so pledge and down to business. Warm up Mosey around parking lots SSH IC x12 Windmills IC x12 Imperial Walkers IC x12 SF FWD + Seal Clap + SF BWD + OH Claps + Hallelujah’s IC x12 ea Thang 1 - Crawlbear Kettlebell Backtracks I was planning a tabata, but then I came across a kettlebell flow that inspired me to come up with what I’m calling the Crawlbear Kettlebell Backtrack. [Read More]


Of course the day before I’m supposed to Q Point Break, I come up lame at a workout. Well, maybe lame is a bit harsh, but I did tweak my neck/back doing world’s worst merkins and thought maybe I should avoid anything like that at my Q. So low and behold, leg day was in the cards. I had to show up early just to run around Waverly a bit since I hadn’t been to Point Break in over a year. [Read More]