You never forget your first

Steaks said there were no Beaver Chase backblasts and someone needed to write one. Well, I accepted the challenge and will take my place in Carpex history on Wordpress as the writer of the very first Beaver Chase backblast! As I drove in this morning, I got stuck at a light after trying to stretch out before I left…cutting it close! I got there with 3 minutes to spare but Mandolin was already sending me texts to make sure I was there. [Read More]

In the Wild Wild West

YHC legitimately can’t think about this AO and not start singing Kool Moe Dee’s masterpiece in my head. And now you won’t be able to either. You’re welcome. A great crew out for a Monday. Duck arrives in his silent earth-mobile. Mandolin is there without Banjo. Tramp Stamp is back, which makes YHC happy. Hamm is there on the Rehab tour. Shlitz is even there after a 20 miler the previous day. [Read More]